Project update

Engaging on our Draft Coastal and Marine Management Plan

Stretching from Kackeraboite Creek in the south to Keast Park in the north, our coastline is renowned as the most pristine and accessible stretch of foreshore on Port Phillip Bay.

We're thrilled to share our Draft Coastal and Marine Management Plan, a result of two years of collaboration with Traditional Owners, the wider community, key stakeholders and agencies.

This comprehensive Draft Plan aims to protect and enhance the iconic Frankston and Seaford coastal and marine areas. From Olivers Hill to Seaford North, our Draft Plan aims to:

  • Set out our vision, objectives and actions for the management of our coastal and marine areas.
  • Feature actions across all coastal precincts, focusing on building resilience of our marine and coastal environment, health of the natural coastal reserve, pedestrian access and connectivity.
  • Cover topics like access to the beach, water quality and marine life protection.

With your help, we want to foster resilience and support sustainable use of the marine and coastal environment, adapt to climate change and strengthen community engagement.

Join us in our final round of community engagement to help shape the future of our coastal and marine areas. Share your feedback on the Draft Plan by midnight 10 March 2024!

What is included in our Draft Plan?

The Draft Plan addresses and prioritises management actions to balance competing uses of Frankston City's foreshore reserves. It emphasises environmental stewardship, the need for long-term adaptation planning, management and use that respects natural coastal processes, and also focuses on accessibility and connectivity across the foreshore areas.

Our coastal and marine areas are protected, resilient and connected. Their bio-cultural diversity is valued and conserved.

To guide our management approach, the Draft Plan divides Frankston City’s coastline into six precincts, shown in the map below. Click on each precinct to read a summary of the vision and priorities for each precinct. For more detail, please see Chapter 6 in the Draft Plan.

Share your feedback on our Draft Plan