About Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre (FSCRC)

Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre (at 55 Towerhill Road) offers a wide range of activities and services for the Community. It has a large indoor stadium, a number of multi-purpose rooms for hire and Frankie's Cafe. The Community Centre is also home to many organisations and provides social connection, health and wellbeing and learning opportunities.

How has community engagement helped shaped the Centre?

In 2023, FSCRC undertook an extensive community engagement survey seeking feedback from local community and current participants as to the future programs, events and services they need and want at the Centre.

We want FSCRC to be a place where locals come to meet, learn, be inspired and supported.

Your suggestions during our engagement in 2023 helped us to develop an FSCRC Strategic Plan for the future. Thank you for participating in our pop ups, survey, and/or suggestions box, which helped us consider what is needed to make FSCRC the heart of our local community.

Learn more about this engagement below.

Project Outcomes

Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre
Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027

Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre (FSCRC) is a modern, purpose-built community Centre located in Frankston South and owned and operated by Frankston City Council.

FSCRC consists of a multi-purpose sport stadium and four smaller rooms suitable for a range of activities including but not limited to meetings, yoga, dance and exercise. It also houses Youth Services and Library Outreach Services.

FSCRC has a registered ACFE training Café called Frankie’s Café where students learn hospitality and barista skills via short courses scheduled throughout the year.

In 2023, FSCRC undertook an extensive community engagement survey seeking feedback from local community and current participants as to the future programs, events and services they need and want at the Centre.

This FSCRC Strategic Plan 2024-2027 focuses on the findings and recommendations of the 2023 survey and outlines how we will continue working with community and key stakeholders over the next three years to deliver inclusive and accessible programs, activities and services that meet community needs and build community capacity and resilience.


We engage, empower and strengthen our community at FSCRC.


FSCRC is a vibrant neighbourhood centre where people feel safe, can socialise, learn new skills and participate in programs and activities to enhance their health and wellbeing.


Values aligned to Frankston City Council - Kinder, Smarter, Fairer.

Strategic Pillars

  • Operations

    Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre is a Council operated and managed facility which will continue to operate with the local community’s best interests in mind.

  • Facility

    Frankston City Council is committed to accessible, high quality, fit-for-purpose community facilities.

  • Finances

    Frankston City Council is committed to funding the management and operations of FSCRC.

  • Partnerships

    Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre is committed to collaborating with key stakeholders to facilitate meaningful participation and support a healthy and inclusive community.

  • Community Engagement

    FSCRC is committed to working with the community to determine the needs and priorities and ensure these are addressed in centre programs, activities and services.

  • Programs and Services

    FSCRC is committed to providing inclusive and accessible programs, activities and services based on community needs and priorities.

Priority Action Areas

FSCRC community engagement undertaken in 2023 indicated the key reasons community attended centre programs was to: • Be active and healthy • Social Connection • Learn new skills • Be involved in my community In response, the following actions have been identified as priority areas for this plan. These are focused on the development and delivery of programs, activities and services at the Centre and aimed at meeting community needs and building community capacity and resilience. Further community engagement and consultation will be undertaken as needed to inform this work.  

Initiate more opportunities for social connection at the centre including Chatty Café and similar programs, parents/single parents/kinship support, social groups based on common interests/topic-based e.g. gardening, art etc., youth and family-based activities and cultural and other events.

Build employability and transferable skills through skill-building workshops and pre-accredited training delivery (Adult, Community and Further Education ACFE) including hospitality, barista and other life or employment training courses.

Expand the range and type of health and wellness programs including exercise classes, Yoga and/or Pilates together with other health and wellbeing programs including meditation, healthy eating and nutrition workshops, health education, community health, stress management, chronic disease management and mental health support.

Expand the audience and profile of FSCRC by using a range of promotional activities to engage local community interest such as but not limited to; Monthly newsletter campaigns, social media posts, notice board displays, email campaigns, letter box delivery and collaborative promotion via other internal FCC departments such as Youth Services, Positive Aging and NH Inclusion.

Frankston City Council respectfully acknowledges the traditional owners, the Bunurong people, as the custodians of this land. We pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past and present, who have resided in the area and have been an integral part of the history of the region.

View the full Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre Strategic Plan

Engagement Activity

Participate in our Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre (FSCRC) Survey 2023 to go into the draw to win one of four $50 gift voucher to Frankie’s Café at FSCRC.

Enter by adding your email address at the end of the survey, you receive one entry to the competition. Winner will be drawn and notified 22-24 May 2023.

Frankston City Council will collate all competition entries (individual's contact details) and assign a number to them. Staff will then use an online random number generator (calculator.net) to choose four numbers (representing the four winners) within a number range (number range will start at one (1) and finish at the last competition entry). Personal information will not be entered into the random number generator.

The four winners will be drawn at random and notified via the email address and/or phone number provided as part of their submission. The winners will be directed to call FSCRC, identify themselves and be given a $50 tab at the cafe to use within 1 year. Community centre staff will have received confirmation of Winners name's via email.

The information on this page is being collected and used by Council in the exercise of its powers and functions under legislation (including the Local Government Act 2020) in order to achieve its purposes as provided in the legislation. Your personal information will only be disclosed outside Council with your consent, or where required or permitted by law.

Council may disclose your personal information to its contractors, credit providers or professional advisors to assist Council to perform its functions. This information will not otherwise be disclosed without your consent or as required or permitted by law. The information will only be amended upon receipt of written instructions either from yourself or from parties authorised to act on your behalf. You have a right to access your personal information subject to some exceptions allowed by law. If you have any questions related to privacy, please contact Council's Privacy Officer on 1300 322 322.

  • Talk with us in-person & get a free barista coffee

    • Tues 2 May:

    11am to 1pm - Heatherhill Road Shops

    2:30pm to 4pm - FSCRC

    • Fri 5 May:

    11am to 1pm - Norman Ave Shops

    • Sat 6 May:

    10am to 12pm - Foot St Shops

    • Sun 7 May:

    10am to 12pm - Norman Ave Shops

    • Tues 9 May:

    8:30 to 9:30am - FSCRC

    • Thurs 11 May:

    2:30pm to 4pm - FSCRC

    Note: Coffee from local cafe at Shops engagements, from Frankie's Cafe at FSCRC. Limit 1 per respondent, while stocks last.

Engagement Results

See the Engagement Summary Report below or download a copy from the Document Library on this page.

What is your suggestion to make the Community Centre the heart of Frankston South for you, your friends and family?

9 May, 2023

judycorcoran says:

activites for the older people (over 80) who are reasonably fit.

9 May, 2023

Kristen says:

Events! Family movie nights, monthly community BBQs, activities for kids, co-working space. Have a look at Cranbourne West Community Centre!

9 May, 2023

Blaire says:

Massage practitioner

9 May, 2023

Jo says:

Being open for longer hours so that everyone can participate!

8 May, 2023

Kim says:

A local op shop including offering secondhand overport school uniforms etc

8 May, 2023

Kim says:

Signage/noticeboard outside showing what is available. As a new local resident I have walked up and turned around as unsure what's there.

8 May, 2023

bradleyc says:

Talks, dances, movie nights, skill sharing, activities for all ages, clearly indicate who the class is for eg. beg, intermed, advanced

1 May, 2023

Socrates says:

Bean bags, poetry, performance and philosophy

20 April, 2023

Agesa says:

Provide more advertising so locals know what is on offer