Project background

Council is responsible for the management of our City's infrastructure and natural assets for the benefit of current and future generations. Millions of dollars are spent annually managing and maintaining these assets throughout their lifecycle.

It is essential that sound asset management practices are in place to ensure all Council assets are managed prudently and efficiently. To ensure this, the Local Government Act 2020 requires all Councils develop a 10-year Asset Plan.

How was our Asset Plan developed?

Council's Asset Plan 2023-2032, endorsed on 6 June 2022, has been developed with input from our community via detailed deliberative engagement processes.

A dedicated Frankston 10 Year Asset Plan Community Panel was established in early 2022 to discuss and identify the key principles by which Frankston City should prioritise and invest in its asset over the next 10 years.

The community engagement was undertaken in March 2022 to engage and collaborate meaningfully in line with Local Government Act 2020 requirements, to inform the development of the Frankston 10 Year Asset Plan.

Please see our Community Panel Outcomes Report for more information about this Panel.

Following the inclusion of the outcomes from the detailed deliberative engagement conducted with the Asset Plan Community Panel, the draft Asset Plan was exhibited for broader community feedback via the engage Frankston website between 4th April to the 29th April 2022.

The community were asked the following questions as part of the feedback sort on the draft Asset Plan:

  • Do you think we have accurately reflected the challenges and opportunities for asset management in the next 10 years? Let us know any challenges or opportunities that are missing?
  • Can you rank the Community Panel's Principles from least important to most important to you? Is there anything missing from the Community Panel's Principles?
  • Did we get our assessment of 'state of asset' conditions and future spending right? Tell us if you think something is missing from our 'state of asset' assessment?
  • Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for our Draft Asset Plan 2023-2032? Is there anything missing from the Community Panel's Principles?

Council received a total of 13 submissions and responses to the above questions. The general themes from the responses across all questions were:

  • The importance of cycling and shared pathway infrastructure to the community for transport and recreation including safe paths for the elderly and family use.
  • The importance of recognising the First Nations people and connecting assets to the land
  • Climate change and environmental issues need to be addresses as part of asset management design and construction.
  • The importance of public open spaces and their value into the future with an increasing urban development.
  • Bush and nature reserves, corridors and street trees and well as green open spaces not only encapsulate the essence of the Frankston Municipality but are the best line of defence to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • The importance of universal access in asset design and upgrade for a more inclusive and equitable community that goes beyond disabled access compliance.
  • Expanding public transport and advocacy for improve transport options for the Frankston community.
  • The importance of maintenance and upgrade of the Frankston CBD
  • Allocation of asset funding to the right areas identified in the community feedback.

Various changes have been made throughout the Asset Plan based on the feedback received during the public exhibition process. They are in summary:

  • Inclusion of the need to recognise the connection of natural and built assets to the past with a strong connection to the land and First Nations people, whilst moving to the future with designs, energy efficiency and materials.
  • Update to place further importance of natural and bushland areas where open space has been identified in decision making principles and asset summary information.
  • Update of terminology throughout the plan to reference universal access and universally accessible and the importance of inclusion and equality in asset design and programs.
  • Increased focus on “cycle” paths throughout out document and pathway renewal and improvement programs.
  • Update of all asset financial forecasts to align with draft 2022/23 Long Term Financial Plan.

What are our Council-managed assets?

Asset plan infographic

Asset Plan Infographic

Challenges and opportunities

What are the biggest challenges and opportunities for Council's asset management in the next 10 years?

Diagram showing 6 issues and opportunities


What principles should guide Council's decision-making for asset management?

Our Asset Plan, along with our Community Vision and Council Plan, has been developed with input from our community via detailed deliberative engagement processes.

A dedicated Asset Plan Community Panel was established in February-March 2022 to discuss and identify the key principles by which Frankston City Council should prioritise and invest in its assets over the next 10 years. The diverse Community Panel members were drawn from our larger 520-member Mini Frankston City group, and were broadly reflective of the demographics of our community.

The Community Panel worked together to deliberate over this important question:

In deliberating over this question, the Panel identified the following set of decision-making criteria (principles) and community recommendations for future allocation of discretionary funding and priorities for asset investment.

  • Theme: Public Spaces and Nature


    • Promote and improve public space for optimal use and ensure spaces are equitably accessible across the municipality.
    • Increasing percentage of green space in public spaces.
  • Theme: Connectivity and Accessibility


    • Provide, maintain and advocate for infrastructure and services that enable all residents and visitors to move easily, safely and comfortably around the Municipality and surrounding areas.
    • Efficient, accessible services and connections that are fit for purpose with the ability to adapt to current and future community needs, through the support of technologies and systems.
  • Theme: Sustainability/ Climate Change resilience


    • Invest in the protection, enhancement and balance of the natural environment and wildlife to ensure sustainability for future generations
    • Invest in technologies and strategies that utilise sustainable energy and promote resilience to climate change.
  • Theme: Facilities meet community needs


    • Invest in transparent information and community engagement to ensure the diversity of community needs are met now and in future to inform facility/asset design.
    • Accessible, environmentally sustainable facilities that ensure safety and inclusivity throughout a community’s and individuals’ life.

State of our assets

What is the state of our assets and what will we spend on them in the next 10 years?

  • Buildings

    Service objective: Our buildings & facilities are safe, functional, fit for purpose, and accessible to all users.

    Current condition: Good to fair with a small no. of buildings in poor/very poor condition, which are prioritised for renewal.

    Financial Projection: Significant allocation for discretionary funding, incl. new Jubilee Park Indoor Stadium, Sporting Pavilion Upgrades, new Basketball & Gymnastics Centre. Maintenance costs expected to rise with service costs and as buildings age.

  • Roads and car parks

    Service objective: To provide a safe, functional and fit for purpose road and pathway network, and safe and suitable off-street carparking facilities.

    Current condition: Very good to good condition with small no. of roads and off street car parks in poor/very poor condition, which are priortised for renewal.

    Financial projection: Majority of funding allocated to non-discretionary roads and carparks, maintenance and renewal. Programs proposed to improve accessibility, traffic flow and safety.

  • Bridges and pedestrian structures

    Service objective: To ensure bridges, major culverts and pedestrian structures are safe and functional.

    Current condition: Very good to fair. No bridges or pedestrian bridges in poor/very poor condition. Ongoing bridge inspection and renewal program will address decreasing condition over next 10 years.

    Financial projection: All bridge/pedestrian structure funding is allocated to non-discretionary operations, maintenance, and renewal. Steady funding increase is required to maintain them as they age.

  • Pathways

    Service objective: To provide a connected network of paths that allows for the safe movement of pedestrians and other users around the city.

    Current condition: Good to fair overall with a small no. in poor condition, which are prioritised for full or partial renewal.

    Financial projection: A balance of funding is allocated between non-discretionary operations and maintenance, and renewal and new and upgraded segments of pathway.

  • Stormwater drainage

    Service objective: To protect community from flooding and improve stormwater runoff quality.

    Current condition: Good-poor with small no. of assets very poor. Renewal/upgrade projects addressing immediate stormwater management needs.

    Financial projection: Majority of funding allocated to non-discretionary maintenance/renewal, incl. Dandenong Road East and Frankston Sth. Discretionary funding allocated to Frankston & Beauty Parks Stormwater Treatment & Harvesting Program, Dam Safety Improvement.

  • Open space

    Service objective: To enhance the city’s public open space areas to enhance quality of life and promote social connectedness.

    Current condition: Very good to fair with a small no. of assets in poor/very poor condition, which are priortised for full/part renewal.

    Financial projection: Majority of funding allocated to non-discretionary maintenance & renewal. Urban revitalisation, play space and park upgrades are funded in first 7 years to meet current and future demand for enhanced open space.