What is happening at Ballam Park?
As part of Council’s Integrated Water Management Action Plan, a bioretention system will be constructed at the north-eastern section of Ballam Park. Bioretention systems use plants, water circulation and aeration to naturally treat stormwater before it reaches the ocean.
A feasibility study was undertaken with Melbourne Water to determine how a bioretention system at Ballam Park could improve water quality. It found that the system will significantly reduce stormwater contaminants before they reach the stormwater drain which flows from Langwarrin into Port Phillip Bay.
The project creates an opportunity to enhance the bioretention system with an ornamental lake, artwork, lighting and park furniture. In June 2021 Council resolved to develop the area around the bioretention system into a new experience at Ballam Park.
Community engagement on the concept designs was open from 29 June to 26 July 2023.
Community Engagement Report
Community Engagement was open from 29 June to 26 July 2023.
The Engage Frankston page was viewed 297 times with 40 people completing the survey and 9 following the page for updates.
The community engagement opportunity was promoted in Frankston City News which is delivered to over 60,000 homes. Information flyers were delivered to 500 neighbouring properties.
A project page was created on Engage Frankston that included full colour images of the concept plans for the project and an email sent to subscribers with a registered interest in environmental and open space projects.
Participants were then asked to select their favourite design features from the concept plans. This process allowed Council to create a prioritised list of features, from most to least favoured. Participants could also make a comment about the project.
Features supported by more than half of the participants are listed below with the number of times selected shown in brackets:
- Garden beds (30)
- Bioretention system (29)
- Ornamental lake (24)
- Sculptures (22)
- Public lighting (21)
- Seating area (21)
- Viewing platform (21)
Features supported by fewer than half the participants are listed below with the number of times selected shown in brackets:
- New footpaths (20)
- Decorative lighting (17)
- Picnic shelter (17)
- Jetty (17)
- BBQ (13)
- ‘Other’ (2) (frog pond; nature)
We also asked Tell us what you think of the concept plans. Is there anything else we should consider for the bioretention system and lake?
Most responses supported the protection of the local environment, or suggested new or modified design features. Some participants raised concerns about project costs and lack of nearby toilet facilities.
All comments have been shared with the project team and saved for future projects at Ballam Park.
Based on community engagement results, it is recommended that features which were selected the most often should be prioritised in the final design.
Features which were selected by fewer participants could be consider optional or delivered in later stages of the project.
Care should be taken to choose plants and design features that look like the concept images shown to participants.
Communication to nearby residents and visitors to Ballam Park should occur prior to and during construction, including project updates on Council’s website www.frankston.vic.gov.au.
Feedback that relates to other elements of Ballam Park should be saved and used to inform future projects.