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Why are we proposing to upgrade Banyan Reserve?

We’re proposing to upgrade Banyan Reserve to include a new play space and BMX pump track to support the growing recreational needs of young families in Carrum Downs and Skye. This project will be delivered through a Council and Victorian Government partnership.

The proposed upgrades will support many of Council’s existing strategies including the Play Strategy 2021, Frankston Open Space Strategy 2016 and our Skate and BMX Strategy, which is in its final stages.

Our ideas propose to transform Banyan Reserve into a key community asset, to bring everyone together in a fun, welcoming and comfortable environment. The new play and pump track will create a premier destination in Carrum Downs that encourages visitors and provides greater access and amenity.

Our vision and ideas for Banyan Reserve

We have prepared an Ideas Plan that seeks to enhance the outdoor play and social opportunities for the local Skye and Carrum Downs communities. Our vision is to transform Banyan Reserve into a vibrant and accessible community space for all ages, abilities and interests.

We've summarised our proposed upgrades below, and more detail is available by clicking the markers in our Ideas Map.

Share your feedback and ideas by completing our survey by 11.59pm 13 April 2025. We also invite you to join our pop up at Banyan Reserve on Tuesday 18 March, 3-6pm.

  • Upgraded playspace for all abilities

    Funding committed by Victorian State Government.

    Help us design the playspace in our survey below!

  • New pump track and scooter loop

    Funding committed by Victorian State Government.

    Design options are limited, but we invite your questions and feedback in our survey below.

  • Improve reserve amenities and accessibility

    Could include new shelters, tables and BBQ faclities.

    These are possible future upgrades (additional funding required)

  • Tree planting and greening

    Existing trees are to be retained in the proposed playspace and pump track designs.

    Additional planting could occur in future (additional funding required).

  • New public toilet

    Possible future upgrade (additional funding required).

Ideas Plan

Click on a marker below to learn more about our proposed upgrades to Banyan Reserve. Then fill in our survey below to share your additional ideas and feedback!

Translation and accessibility

Council can arrange a telephone interpreter for you, call us on 1300 322 322

Or you can call

Interpreter Service: 131 450

National Relay Service NRS: 133 677 or 1300 555 727

Contact Us

Frankston City Council

PO Box 490
Frankston 3199
Tel: 1300 322 322