Help shape Council's Budget 2023-2024

Our annual budget makes day-to-day life in Frankston City possible. It funds important services like roads, parks, waste and recycling, economic development, arts and events, aged services, early education and many other things.

We're asking our community to help us prioritise our Budget focus areas for 2023-2024. We want your help in guiding the future direction of these important services and programs in Frankston City.

How can you get involved?

We're trialling a new way to allow our community to directly shape our 2023-2024 Budget. This new approach makes it easier to understand Council services and projects, while also telling us what's most important to you.

Have your say on our two activities by midnight 21 March 2023. Once we've analysed your input, along with that of Councillors and staff, we will share our Draft Budget 2023-2024 for further feedback from 4 April 2023.

  • Allocate points to areas that are important to you

    Review our 12 focus areas below and allocate points to areas that matter most to you. Your priorities will help shape Council's Budget for 2023-2024.