What is Frankston City Council's Annual Budget?

Each year Councillors and Council officers work together to prepare an annual budget. This document shows how council rates will be spent on providing services to the community and keeping our public places safe and welcoming.

How can you help inform our 2025-2026 Budget?

Council is engaging earlier with the community to inform the Budget. This will allow more time for Councillors to consider the ideas in detail. There will also be a Community Submission Meeting on 24 February 2025, where the individuals, clubs, groups or organisations who have submitted a funding idea will have an opportunity to speak directly to Council about their idea and answer questions.

What have we already heard from our 'Your Vision for Frankston City' engagement?

Extensive community engagement has occurred in 2024 – this included community pop ups, survey, stakeholder meetings and deliberative panel engagement. This was an opportunity for community to share their thoughts on what should be included in the Budget. The community panel used the results of over 1300 participants to guide the development of a Community Vision statement and four (4) long term aspirations. You can see a summary of the engagement findings and the community vision and aspirations below, and more detail is available at engage.frankston.vic.gov.au/your-vision-frankston-city.

Community Engagement Findings

  • Healthy and Inclusive Communities

    Key topics of Interest:

    • City safety: initiatives to ensure community safety
    • Initiatives that improve safety and wellbeing related to homelessness
    • Initiatives that prevent violence against women and promote gender equality
    • Health and wellbeing programs
    • Initiatives that strengthen respect and value of diversity social inclusion and mental wellbeing.
  • Natural environment

    Key topics of Interest:

    • Planting and protecting trees to create cooler and greener spaces
    • Open space for recreation
    • Protection of native animals and biodiversity.
  • Connected places and economy

    Key topics of Interest:

    • Creating vibrant public spaces
    • Initiatives that promote inclusion and lifelong engagement in education, training and employment
    • Strengthening the City's brand and economy
    • Providing a safe, connected and accessible transport network
    • Plan connections between walking, riding and driving
    • Planning and advocating for affordable housing to help prevent homelessness.
  • Council performance and leadership

    Key topics of Interest:

    • Community engagement to support participation in Council decision making
    • Advocating with all levels of government and other stakeholders

Community Vision and Aspirations

  • Community Vision Statement

    Frankston City is a safe, inclusive, and caring community in which to live, work and play. Our vibrant coastal City is clean, leafy, environmentally responsible, well planned, accessible and innovative for a changing future.

  • Healthy and Inclusive Communities

    Frankston City is a place for everyone to feel proud, safe, healthy and supported in wellness. All people are recognised, supported, respected and celebrated. Our green spaces, quality health services, social support, education and community groups are accessible and inclusive. We recognise and respect the heritage and history of our First Nations peoples.

  • Natural environment

    Frankston City is committed to balancing the enjoyment of the environment with robust and sustainable land management. The community is educated on how to care for the environment, and the protection of biodiversity and the health of natural spaces is promoted. Climate change is being actively addressed, and our integrated water systems are future proofed against the challenges of our coastal region. Waste management is transparent and innovative.

  • Connected places and economy

    Frankston City is a thriving, prosperous, safe place, where people love to live, study, work and visit. Public spaces provide an extensive range of cultural, artistic and recreational pursuits. Frankston City nurtures and attracts innovation and investment and is known for its diverse educational and business opportunities. It's well-connected, with a network of easy to access, progressive and resilient infrastructure.

  • Council performance and leadership

    Frankston City Council communicates honestly and transparently with our communities and advocates for people of all abilities and backgrounds. Council is trusted and well governed and uses its resources in an accountable and sustainable manner. Councillors and Council work as a team to prioritise the community's interest through programs of ongoing engagement.

Help inform our 2025-2026 Budget by sharing your idea

The survey below (in preview mode) will open for submissions at 10am Monday 20 January 2025 and will close at 5pm Thursday 20 February 2025.

Alternatively, you can download the Budget 2025-2026 survey here, and submit it via email to integratedplanning@frankston.vic.gov.au, or print and fill in the survey and hand it to our staff at our Customer Service Centres, Libraries or Community Centres, locations available here: www.frankston.vic.gov.au/Council/Contact-Us