About this project

Frankston City Council currently delivers a range of services under the Federal Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) (for clients over 65 years of age) and the State Home and Community Care Programs for Younger People (HACC-PYP) (for clients under 65 years of age).

Like all Victorian councils, Frankston City Council must determine the future of its current CHSP services. This community engagement project is one of the first steps towards Council making its decision in 2025.

Council also provides in-home support services to residents via HACC-PYP. This is a significantly smaller program than CHSP and there would need to be consideration of Council’s role in this program as part of the broader review into Council’s role in aged care.

The purpose of this engagement project is to:

  • Seek feedback on which aspects of the current services that could be improved.
  • Identify emerging needs or service gaps that Council could address to better support the community.
  • Explore what the community believes is the role of Council in the community care sector.
  • Understand the experiences of Council staff in delivering the current services and their perspective on what their clients value and require.
  • Understand which aspects of the current services are valued by the clients and their family members and/or carers.
  • Identify other service providers being used by current clients for support.

Engagement closes 6 April 2025

Engagement activities

  • Online surveys

    Online surveys for community members, service clients, carers, service providers and Council staff.

  • Pop up events

    We'll be 'popping up' at locations around Frankston City to promote the project and collect feedback.

  • Interviews

    Telephone or online interviews with current clients of CHSP & HACC-PYP and key service providers.

  • Focus groups

    Focus Groups with Council advisory committees, and community group.

  • Paper Surveys

    Printed surveys can be returned to Frankston Library and the Civic Centre.

  • Support to participate

    Would you like in-person or telephone support to complete the survey? Please contact our community engagement team at engagement@frankston.vic.gov.au with your contact information.

Community Survey

For residents and general community members.

Client Survey

For people who currently receive aged, home or community care services through Frankston City Council.

Carers Survey

For formal and informal carers of people who receive aged, home or community care services through Frankston City Council.

Service Provider Survey

For staff and volunteers from the aged, home and community care sector.

Council Staff Survey

For Frankston City Council staff and volunteers.

Complete the survey on paper

Prefer to do the survey on paper? Download a copy to print at home. Return your completed survey to Frankston Library or the Civic Centre at 30 Davey Street, Frankston, 3199 by 6 April 2025.