Early years services in Carrum Downs

View information about current kindergartens in Carrum Downs, including registrations and timetables.

Carrum Downs is a high priority area.

A funding partnership is required for two additional kinder rooms to meet future needs in Carrum Downs.

Carrum Downs rate in 84 percentile in the SEIFA ratings and has 14 long day cares centres offering a kindergarten program. The area is an established residential area with medium to high population density. There is a shortage of public open space.

AEDC data indicates the level of vulnerability for five-year-olds across the five reported domains is above the State average (10.2%), with 22% of five-year-olds being vulnerable across two or more domains.

Department of Education data shows an 83% participation rate in kindergarten the year before school which is lower than the average rate across Frankston.

Kindergarten Service Needs for Carrum Downs

Below are the kindergartens identified in the Kindergarten Partnership Strategy and what is proposed for each. Planning for expansions will be integrated into Council’s Long Term Infrastructure Plan and will be subject to planning, feasibility, community engagement and confirmed funding. 'Follow' this page to receive email updates about plans for these Centres.
  • Bowerbird Kindergarten

    Potential to Expand Bowerbird Kindergarten

    There is capacity within the existing site to increase the number of rooms. This will facilitate longer program hours and additional kindergarten places.

    Note: planning and feasibility must be carried out on each site. Projects proceeding are subject to any required grant funding allocation, community engagement, demographic data and endorsement by Council.

    Follow this page for updates
  • Rowellyn Kindergarten

    Retain and Review Rowellyn Kindergarten

    A review of this kinder will aim to identify strengths, barriers, opportunities and threats to inform decision-making regarding potential upgrades, renovations, or future use of the facility and the impact these decisions will have.

    Rowellyn Kindergarten is a single room centre located adjacent to Rowellyn Park Primary School and Sandfield Reserve. There is no space on the school site to extend the centre, and the Reserve is currently being redeveloped.

  • Botany Park Kindergarten

    Retain and Review Botany Park Kindergarten

    A review of this kinder will aim to identify strengths, barriers, opportunities and threats to inform decision-making regarding potential upgrades, renovations, or future use of the facility and the impact these decisions will have.

    Botany Park Kindergarten is adjacent to the Botany Park Recreation Reserve and the current pocket of land is not suitable for extension.

  • Banyan Fields Child and Family Centre

    Retain Banyan Fields Child and Family Centre

    This kindergarten can continue operating in their current form. The existing structure, curriculum and educational approach, including offering increased program hours can be maintained. No re-development of this site is required.

    Banyan Fields Kindergarten, located on the primary school site, is a three-room kindergarten with MCH services and is one of the highest demand kindergartens in the municipality.