Early years services in Frankston North

View information about current kindergartens in Frankston South, including registrations and timetables.

Frankston North is a low priority area.

There are three long day care centres in Frankston North15 and the SEIFA percentile score of 4, meaning 96% of the population have greater advantage.

AEDC data indicates the level of vulnerability for five-year-olds across the five reported domains are above the State average in Frankston North.

Kindergarten Service Needs for Frankston North

Below are the kindergartens identified in the Kindergarten Partnership Strategy and what is proposed for each.
  • Aldercourt Kindergarten

    Retain Aldercourt Kindergarten

    This kindergarten can continue operating in their current form, after being developed in 2021. The existing structure, curriculum and educational approach, including offering increased program hours can be maintained. No re-development need is identified in the Strategy.