Register to join Mini Frankston City!

We invite registrations from all community members, and particularly encourage those from the following groups to join:

Reason for it

What is Mini Frankston City?

Have your say on Frankston City’s future and influence Council decisions — join Mini Frankston City!

To understand more, please see the tabs below. For more information, please read the Overview & Terms of Reference document in our Document Library on the right hand side of this page.

  • Reason for it

    Mini Frankston City is our community of residents that gives us regular feedback on key projects and issues.

    The group is currently made up of over 500 Frankston City residents aged 15 and over, from all backgrounds and suburbs who share ideas and feedback.

    The group supports us to:

    • Genuinely listen and learn from our diverse local community, to understand and include different views, experiences and expertise.
    • Ensure community feedback influences Council’s decisions and project outcomes.


  • Purpose


    • Improve Council’s reach in the community and broaden participation in community engagement.
    • Provide representative community engagement from across the municipality.
    • Capture trend data and monitor how community ideas and expectations change over time, by engaging with the same group at planned intervals.
    • Help coordinate the engagement process.
    • Inform Council about community views and opinions and help influence and guide Council’s decision-making, policies and planning.


  • Role

    Mini Frankston City is our community of residents that gives us regular feedback on key projects and issues.

    It is your chance to guide Council on our diverse community’s needs, and to ensure your voice influences our decision-making.

    It’s easy to participate, with regular online surveys and quick polls 4-8 times per year. We ask for your diverse views on a range of Council projects and strategies. You will also be invited to participate in smaller deliberative panels on more in-depth topics.

Eligibility & Composition

  • Eligibility & Composition

    Any current resident of Frankston City 15 years and over is eligible to register for our Mini Frankston City waitlist, as we currently have over 500 members. Parental consent is required for those under 18 years.

    You will need access to a computer or phone to participate in online surveys and polls. We invite you to share any access issues or support you may need in the registration form.

    We aim for Mini Frankston City to represent a sample of the broader community, based on 2016 Census data.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    First Community Panel established (46 members)

    September 2020

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Community Panel deliberates

    Deliberation on Community Vision 2040, Council Plan and Budget 2021-25 and Finance Plan 2021-31

    November 2020 - June 2021

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Expansion of Panel to Mini Frankston City (up to 500 members)

    September - October 2021

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    Mini Frankston City active

    2021 - 2025

History of Frankston City’s Community Panel

In 2020, all Frankston City residents were invited to be part of a Community Panel. A physical invitation delivered to every household in the municipality, asking for expressions of interest.

One hundred and eighty people responded and nominated to be part of our Community Panel, and Council has been engaging with this group on a range of projects and initiatives.

A smaller panel of 46 members was formed from the larger panel. This smaller panel of local residents ranging in age, gender, local area and background was selected independently using specific methodology to ensure it accurately represented the diversity of our community.

We would like to thank the 46 community members who were part of Frankston City’s first Community Panel in 2020-2021.

This Panel deliberated on Council’s key strategic documents, including the Community Vision 2040, Council Plan and Budget 2021-25 and Draft Financial Plan 2021-31.

The targeted panel met in facilitated workshops to undertake deliberative engagement on the Community Vision and Council Plan. Workshops were facilitated online by an external consultant, Conversation Caravan, due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings.

The panel met on six occasions between November 2020 and February 2021 to discuss and agree themes and priorities used to form the Frankston City Community Vision 2040. The Vision and suggested priorities were presented to Councillors, to help shape their decision-making process through the 2021–2025 strategic planning cycle - considering the Council Plan, Financial Plan, Budget and Infrastructure Plan.

The Community’s Panel’s input was critical to the development of the Vision and plans, and we thank you for the time and effort you dedicated to these projects.

We invite any former or existing Frankston City Community Panel member to now join our expanded Mini Frankston City.

Hear from previous panel members