Online community meeting - Healthy Futures Hub proposal

Learn more about the proposed new Healthy Futures Hub at Belvedere Reserve, Seaford, and ask questions of our panel of proposed tenants!

This is your opportunity to ask questions, and understand how this innovative, community-facing, multipurpose facility could benefit you.

Join our online meeting to learn more about this proposal from our Panel, including:

  • Phil Cantillon, Frankston City Council, CEO
  • Matt Finnis, St Kilda Football Club, CEO
  • Libby Callaway, Monash University, Associate Professor
  • Lisa Laing, Wallara, Senior Manager Marketing and Partnerships
  • Meredith MacKenzie, Belvedere Community Centre, Centre Manager

Can't attend? Register your details to access a recording of the session after the event. We also welcome your feedback online by 1 November 2021 at

Quick Poll

What interests you most about this proposal?

This poll has concluded.

  • Council's role and decision-making
    6% (1 vote)
  • St Kilda Football Club's lease and role
    6% (1 vote)
  • Disability service providers
    6% (1 vote)
  • Details of the proposed tenants
    35% (6 votes)
  • Community sport benefits
    0% (0 votes)
  • Community access facilities including the gym and pool facilities
    12% (2 votes)
  • How the site will assist vulnerable groups in Frankston City
    35% (6 votes)
Total Votes: 17

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Simone Bonella

Senior Recreation Planner

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