Project update

Project background

Talking Toilets

Public toilets are important community facilities that help us to use and enjoy public places comfortably and for longer periods of time. We want to make sure that public toilets in Frankston City Council are safe, inclusive and accessible for the whole community to use. To help us achieve this, Council is preparing a Public Toilet Action Plan to guide how we plan, design and deliver public toilets across our suburbs. You can download the background paper.

While many toilets can be used freely by the public in places like shopping centres or libraries, the Public Toilet Action Plan will focus specifically on toilets that are owned and managed by Council, and which open directly onto public open spaces like parks and streets.

What makes a great public toilet?

Design principles are important values that will help guide what our future public toilets will be like. The design principles listed below will be considered when Council upgrades an existing public toilet or builds a new public toilet. We asked our community for feedback on our seven design principles as part of our 2023 engagement:
  • 1. Safe

    Public toilets are safe and feel safe for everyone to use. Some of the ways we can do this are by:

    • Providing good lighting.
    • Locating public toilets where they can be easily seen from places of activity like paths, roads or shops.
    • Designing to limit risks like slippery floors and trip hazards.
  • 2. Accessible

    Public toilets are easy to find and easy to get to regardless of a person's level of mobility. Some of the ways we can do this are by:

    • Connecting our public toilets to surrounding pathways.
    • Providing appropriate signage.
    • Designing public toilets to be accessed by people with wheelchairs, prams or mobility scooters. Including our public toilets on public maps such as Council’s My Property map, Google Maps and Australia’s National Public Toilet Map (
  • 3. Equitable

    Public toilets are spread across Frankston City and can be used by any person regardless of age, ability, gender identification or cultural or social background. Some ways we can do this are:

    • Providing gender neutral toilets.
    • Including features needed by people with living with disability such as handrails or Changing Places facilities.
    • Including family friendly facilities such as baby change tables or toilets and wash basins that are lower in height so that they can be used by children.
  • 4. Convenient and Comfortable

    Public toilets are pleasant to use, available when needed and located where they are needed the most. Some of the ways we can do this are by:

    • Locating public toilets in busy places where people spend lots of time such as playgrounds, sporting areas and the foreshore.
    • Providing shade and shelter from wind and rain.
    • Having public toilets open for use at the busiest times.
  • 5. Looked After

    Public toilets are well maintained and appear cared for. They are designed to discourage vandalism and are checked regularly with any faults quickly attended to. Some of the ways we can do this are by:

    • Having a regular cleaning, maintenance and repair program.
    • Designing and building public toilets using robust and durable materials that resist damage from weather, vandalism and misuse.
  • 6. Sustainable

    Public toilets are planned, designed and built to be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. Some of the ways we can do this are by:

    • Building public toilets in an environmentally friendly manner, conserving natural resources and protecting the environment.
    • Designing public toilets to minimise the cost of construction, maintenance, repairs and general running of each facility.
    • Providing public toilets that have a positive impact on visitors and the local community.
  • 7. Integrated

    Public toilets work well with their surroundings and improve our experience of a place. Some ways we can do this are:

    • Designing public toilets so they relate to the area's character such as using playful colours and materials at playground locations.
    • Providing features and functions that complement nearby uses and community like seating, drinking fountains, bike hoops or showers at the foreshore.
    • Providing public toilets that are an appropriate size for the location and character of the area

Where are our public toilets?

Engagement outcomes

How did we engage?

Consultation was undertaken with the Frankston City community in June and July 2023 to better understand their public toilet needs, preferences and priorities.

An online survey was prepared to for the community to identify priority locations for new or improved public toilets and to make suggestions for how we can improve facilities for all users. We also invited feedback on the draft Public Toilet Action Plan.

A total of 134 responses were received during the engagement period which offered a wealth of valuable insight and information. The feedback received has been considered and has been used to inform the development and recommendations of the final Action Plan.

Feedback has been summarised below:

We also heard the following community sentiment:

‘Public toilets need to be well lit…’
‘Larger cubicles for prams and kids.’
'… recognise the needs for males to have hygiene bins in their toilets too.’
'Just make them useable, safe and clean.’
'Don’t make them look and feel like dungeons!’