
Community Engagement Report - Phase 1 Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project

11 August 2022

In March 2022, we consulted with our community on how we can improve and enhance the Seaford Wetlands as part of the Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project. Thanks to the hundreds of people and groups who took the time to provide their feedback and meet with us.

You told us that you highly value the wetlands, and that while you would like to see some upgrades, the main priority should remain conservation of this rare community asset.

Your feedback has helped to inform the Draft Signage and Facilities Upgrade Plan for the wetlands and now it’s time to let us know if we got things right or if anything is missing.

We published our Stage 1 Community Engagement Report on the Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project in August 2022 as a full report and one-pager.

The feedback informed the following recommendations:

  • Upgrades should prioritise the area as a natural reserve, with high ecological values including compliance with Ramsar Management Plan.
  • The final design for the new pedestrian bridge should respond to the preference of 68 per cent of responders: Option A – wooden cladded bridge.
  • The final location for the shared use path should respond to the preference of 81 per cent of responders: Option A – Kananook Creek path.

We have also analysed your input on locations for preferred new facilities, such as native plants, bench seat, drinking fountain, signage and lighting.

We're developing a Draft Signage and Facilities Plan that responds as much as possible to these requests, and we’ll seek your feedback on our Draft between 6 February until 5 March 2023.

Your feedback informed the following recommendations included in the draft plan:

  • Conservation values

    Upgrades should prioritise the area as a natural reserve, with high ecological values including compliance with Ramsar Management Plan.

  • Timber cladded bridge

    The final design for the new pedestrian bridge should respond to the preference of 68 per cent of responders: Option A – wooden cladded bridge.

  • Shared user path

    The final location for the shared use path should respond to the preference of 81 per cent of responders: Option A – Kananook Creek path.

Stage One Survey (Closed)

Survey (closed)

Let us know your thoughts on the initial design for the Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation.

Stage One Bridge Options (Closed)

Stage One Map Activity (Closed)

Project focus areas

Key projects:

  • ​Landscaping and environmental works

    Rehabilitating priority locations through on-ground works, inclusion of habitat structures, pest animal control and revegetation including culturally significant species.

    An Ecological Restoration Plan has been developed and the first stage of revegetation near Downs Estate.

  • ​Walking path upgrades

    Constructing a pedestrian and cycle bridge across Kananook Creek and a shared use path on the northern bank of the Creek to ‘close the loop’ and improve wayfinding signage.

    The design for a wooden cladded bridge and shared use path are currently underway.

  • ​Facility upgrades

    Designing and installing a biocultural, self-guided interpretative trail through signage and improving and renewing facilities. All facilities upgrades will ensure the environmental significance and natural aesthetics of the wetlands are preserved.

    A Draft Signage and Facilities Masterplan has been developed.