
Council decides not to proceed with proposal

11 September 2023

Proposed Native Vegetation Offset Site:

In August 2023, Council asked our community whether you wanted Witternberg Bushland Reserve to be established as a Native Vegetation Offset Site, and if so, which access path option you preferred.

There was a strong participation rate of 302 contributions to the engagement, with a diversity of voices heard in the methods of engagement used.

The survey revealed a clear preference for ‘no change’. Of the 302 respondents, 243 (80.4%), preferred no change to the current access paths, meaning that the majority of the community did not want the Reserve to be established as an Offset Site.

Given this strong community feedback, Council brought its decision forward, and resolved at its public meeting on 11 September 2023 to not proceed with the proposal. Council officers have been directed to undertake no further work on the proposed Offset Site.

As a result of this decision, a native vegetation offset site will not be established at Witternberg Reserve and there will be no change to the fencing, access or management of the Reserve.

The full Engagement Report is published on Council’s website here:

Wittenberg Reserve Master Plan:

Council will continue to upgrade community facilities at the Reserve as part of the Wittenberg Reserve Master Plan delivery.

We’re building a new shelter, BBQ facilities and seating from September to December 2023. There will be minimal disruptions to the public during works.

Council is continuing to scope and design the Shared User Path and board walk and off-street car park, and will provide any further updates via Council’s website.

For more information contact Capital Works Delivery at 1300 322 322, and follow Council’s website for updates about this Reserve:

Thank you for your ongoing interest and engagement.