Panel Member Information

Community Panel Member Handbook

This handbook has all the important information about being in the panel. We recommend reading this before workshop 1.

Stage 1 Broad Community Engagement Results

These documents show the results from engaging over 1300 community members in March, April and May 2024. We asked people for feedback on the current Community Vision statement and on 60 Council services.

There is a summary report (18 pages) and a much more detailed report (71 pages). You are not required to read a report but might find it interesting.

Community Panel Workshop Information

Workshop 1

Our first workshop is will be held at Cube37 in Davey Street, Frankston. This workshop will focus on working together as a group and refreshing the Community Vision statements.

The car park may be busy due to an event next door.

Only panel members will be permitted to enter the workshop space. Please contact us if you need any supports to attend.

You can download the agenda for Workshop 1 here.

You can watch a social story on Cube 37 below.

Workshop 2 will be held online using Zoom.

Workshop 2 will focus on the Community Vision.

Workshop 3 will be held online via Zoom.

More details will be added here closer to the workshop.

Workshop 4 will be held online via Zoom.

More details will be added here closer to the workshop.

Workshop 5 will be held online via Zoom

More details will be added here closer to the workshop.

Questions and Comments

Do you have a question or comment about the panel? You can leave it here for a public response, or email privately. Please log into your Engage Frankston account to post.

Your Questions

Provide a short summary of your question.

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Provide detailed information relating to your question.

You have 500 characters left

Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Tracey Greenaway

Coordinator Economic Development

Sally Prideaux

Coordinator Urban Design Policy and Planning

Andrew Peterson

Safer Communities Engagement Officer

Carla Lopez

Coordinator Integrated Planning and Reporting

Rachel Masters

Coordinator Social Policy and Planning

Kristen Thomson

Coordinator Advocacy and Strategic Partnerships

Tenille Craig

Coordinator Governance

Lisa Finn

Coordinator Waste Circularity

Luke Ure

Manager Sustainable Assets

Lauren Day

Coordinator Asset Planning

Jana Mrazova

Coastal Planning and Policy Officer

Heather Hutchinson

Coordinator Community Engagement & Participation

Chris Lo Piccolo

Coordinator Project Management Office

Nathalie Nunn

Coordinator Environmental Policy and Planning

Jason Rodwell

Community Development Project Manager

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Answer this question

Select the respondent who will be marked as answering the question

Provide the answer to the question. Answer can be saved as draft and published when complete.

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Community Vision Information

Frankston City Community Vision 2040

The Community Vision 2040 provides an aspirational description of what the community wants for the future of the Frankston City municipality, in terms of its look, feel and liveability.

Our Community Vision 2040 was adopted by Council on 28 June 2021. Developed by our representative Community Panel of local residents, the Vision will help to guide planning and decision making by Council, our partners and the broader community to shape the future that our community wants to see, live and experience.

Your comments about your big picture goals for Frankston City will be used by a deliberative community panel to shape this vision.


We have created 20 personas that express the hopes, challenges and concerns felt by our diverse community. We will use these during panel workshops to consider different perspectives, and potential impacts, of the topics we discuss. You do not need to read these before the panel session but may find them interesting.

Council Wellbeing Plan Information

Council Plan

The Council Plan sets out the four-year vision for the city and how Council will deliver services to the community.

Our 2021-2025 Council Plan and Budget was adopted by Council on 28 June 2021. Since 2021, the Council Plan and Budget has been updated annually to set our vision for the city and the outcomes Council wants to achieve. These outcomes align with key focus areas identified in the Community Vision Frankston City 2040.

Your comments about Council's services will be used by a deliberative community panel to make recommendations for the new Council Plan for 2025 to 2029.

Health and Wellbeing Plan

The Frankston City Health and Wellbeing Plan shows how Council is supporting residents to have good health and wellbeing.

From 2025 the Health and Wellbeing Plan is being incorporated with the Council Plan.

Community responses about health, wellbeing and related topics will be used to develop the next Health and Wellbeing Plan within the new Council Plan.

Financial Plan Information

Long-term financial plan

The Financial Plan guides the delivery of programs and services, building new infrastructure and the maintenance of roads, footpaths, bike paths, buildings, and parks.

Our 2021-2031 Financial Plan was adopted by Council on 11 October 2021. Developed with the support of our Community Panel, the Financial Plan supports delivery of our role in the community, including programs, services, building and maintenance of infrastructure.

Community responses about Council income and spending and investment will be used by the deliberative community panel to make recommendations for the next Financial Plan.

Asset Plan Information

Long-term Asset Plan

The Asset Plan guides Council's management of public assets and infrastructure over 10 years. It shows how Council will continue to maintain the buildings, public spaces and council managed facilities across Frankston City.

Our 2023-2032 Asset Plan was adopted on 6 June 2022. It guides Council's management of public assets and infrastructure over 10 years.

Community responses about Council managed buildings, facilities, public spaces and other public assets will be used to shape the next Asset Plan.