Precinct 3 - Development Framework

Built form in Precinct 3 will respond to the arts and entertainment theme with creative architecture.

Building heights will:

  • Increase in Playne Street given its proximity to the railway station and foreshore. Setbacks on the north side will ensure Playne Street’s southern footpath remain in sunlight at key times of the year.
  • Decrease towards Davey Street and Plowman Place, responding to the high visibility of this area, its location further away from the city centre, the sensitive open space interfaces to the south, and the transition to residential areas.

On the below map you will see Sub-Precinct boundaries and other built form requirements for Precinct 3. On the right hand side of the map you can find a summary of the Development Requirements.

You can also read more about the Precincts and Building heights in the Draft FMAC Structure Plan

Click on the image to enlarge it

height map