Precinct 4 - Development Framework

Built form within Precinct 4 will be of significant quality recognising its importance. Development will balance transformation of the precinct with the sensitive interfaces to Kananook Creek, Foreshore reserve and Long Island residential uses.

Upper levels of buildings will be designed with:

  • Significant gaps, reducing the visual bulk of buildings when viewed from the foreshore and surrounding areas, and allowing views to the sky when viewed from Nepean Highway.
  • Setbacks to ensure Kananook Creek, key streets and the foreshore reserve receive adequate sunlight across the year.

On the below map you will see Sub-Precinct boundaries and other built form requirements for Precinct 4. On the right hand side of the map you can find a summary of the Development Requirements.

You can also read more about the Precincts and Building heights in the Draft FMAC Structure Plan

Click on the image to enlarge it

height map