Thank you for your feedback on our Draft Structure Plan

Between 31 October - 12 December 2022, we asked for your feedback on our Draft Structure Plan by:

Your responses will help us to shape the draft Structure Plan.

You were also able to speak with our Strategic Planning team, or request a hard copy of the Plan or survey by:

Phone: 1300 322 322


  • Community Pop Ups

    • Saturday 5 November – 8:00am - 11:00am, Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre (PARC)
    • Saturday 26 November – 5:00pm - 10:00pm, Frankston’s Christmas Festival of Lights (Davey St/Young St)
    • Wednesday 30 November - 10.00am - 2.00 pm, Hoyt's Forecourt (Wells Street)

    [Note pop up planned for Sunset Twilight Market on 20 November was cancelled due to weather]

  • Walking tour

    • Wednesday 30 November – 12:00pm - 1:00pm (starting/ending at Hoyts Forecourt, Wells Street).

    [Note walking tour planned for Sunset Twilight Market on 20 November has been cancelled due to weather]

  • Online Community Workshop

    • Monday 28 November - 6pm - 8pm (online)