Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 - Adopted
We are pleased to inform you that on Monday 11 October 2021, Council unanimously adopted the new Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 and Year One Action Plan.
We would like to thank our Community for participating in the Community consultation earlier this year.
Final Documents
Health, wellbeing and leisure in Frankston City
We are developing Council’s new Leisure Strategy 2021-2029 and Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025.
These strategic documents join together to set out how Council will work with the community and our partners over the next eight years to support our community to be healthy, well and physically active at every stage of life.
Leisure Strategy 2021-2029
The Leisure Strategy is an important planning tool to help guide Council’s future resource priorities, major projects and initiatives to increase participation in active leisure.
Development of the Draft Leisure Strategy has considered the outcomes from a number of key consultation and engagement activities, including Frankston community survey, sports club and youth surveys, meetings with the Frankston Disability Access and Inclusion Committee, Peninsula Health and interviews with a selection of Peak Sporting Bodies.
Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025
The Health and Wellbeing Plan will enable Council, our partners and the community to understand our municipality’s health and wellbeing priorities, guiding planning for services, programs and infrastructure and driving collective action.
We heard what you told us when we consulted with you earlier this year and have used your feedback to develop our Draft documents. See the findings from our health and wellbeing consultation in the Document Library.
Community Profile
We’ve analysed the key health and wellbeing needs of our community and have developed a Health and Wellbeing Community Profile 2021 (find the profile in our Document Library). Snapshots from our Health and Wellbeing Community Profile can be found here:
How can I get involved?
There are a number of ways to get involved, with the consultation closing at midnight 14 September.
Online survey:
Complete the online survey, which will take approximately six minutes to complete.
By phone:
Complete the survey by phone interview – please call 1300 322 322 and ask for Amanda Jacobs or Rachel Masters.
In writing:
You can complete the survey in writing by either:
- Downloading a Word copy of the survey and returning by email to
- Downloading a hard copy of the survey and returning by post to (call 1300 322 322 to request a reply paid envelope):
Social Policy and Planning
Frankston City Council
PO Box 490
Frankston VIC 3199
Add a marker on our map to show us where you are getting active, what you are doing and how we can help to improve the experience.
Our Draft Priorities
Draft Leisure Strategy 2021 - 2029
Active & Healthy People is about empowering people to be active and healthy by reducing the barriers to participation and increasing community awareness of the opportunities available to be physically active.
1.1 Increase participation in club based and organised sport
1.2 Increase participation by supporting the least active in our community
1.3 Strengthen the promotion and understanding of physical activity opportunities available to our community
1.4 Promote and support health messages and initiatives such as healthy eating and mental wellbeing through our community sport and physical activity networks
1.5 Ensure our clubs are welcoming and capable of supporting diverse and inclusive participation
Active Choices is about providing the community with the best possible opportunities to make the choice to be active and healthy. It focuses our planning on creating active neighbourhoods that are safe places for all ages and abilities, fostering neighbourhoods that provide opportunity for people to connect with each other and our natural environment.
2.1 Creating neighbourhoods that are active and safe places for all ages and abilities
2.2 Ensure that the opportunities to play are diverse and cater for all age groups and abilities
2.3 Support neighbourhoods to provide opportunities for social connection whilst being active
2.4 Foster neighbourhoods that provide ready access for their communities to connect to nature and spend leisure time outdoors
2.5 Build a sense of community and social inclusion for those participating in flexible, casual, individual active recreation pursuits
Active Places is about great facilities in the right location to support people to be active and healthy. It encourages equitable access to a diverse range of high quality and accessible facilities that are well connected to our neighbourhoods. Active Places drives us to make the best use of our existing network of recreation facilities to meet community needs and encourage active lifestyles. It considers how we can provide for more integrated active leisure or active transport opportunities.
3.1 Ensure great facilities in the right location
3.2 Encouraging equitable access to a diverse range of high quality and accessible facilities that are well connected to our neighbourhoods
3.3 Provide for more integrated active leisure and active transport opportunities.
Active Governance recognises the need to ensure the systems and processes delivering physical activity are robust while the people behind the organisations are equipped with the leadership skills and training they require to meet the changing demands of the industry. This area of focus also strives to promote partnerships between all levels of government as well as with the community, advocating for funding and investment for programs that lead to greater community participation and social connection.
4.1 Make decisions based on evidence ensuring that we measure what we do and apply this learning to increase physical activity opportunities and health outcomes
4.2 Strengthen our community through strong, inclusive clubs and robust governance.
4.3 Fostering partnerships between all tiers of government and the community to extend and diversify sport and leisure opportunities
4.4 Advocating for funding and investment when available to support the growth of our sport and leisure facilities as well as the opportunities for our community to participate.
Draft Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025
1.1 Improve opportunities for walking, cycling and active travel
1.2 Improve equitable access to public open spaces, play spaces and recreation facilities
1.3 Improve access to inclusive club sports and active recreation opportunities
2.1 Create healthy and secure food environments through Council policy
2.2 Strengthen local food systems to improve equitable access to healthy, secure and sustainable food
2.3 Support good nutrition throughout the life course
3.1 Increase opportunities for volunteering and community participation
3.2 Support opportunities that build social inclusion and community connections
3.3 Strengthen connection with the arts, natural environments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture
4.1 Increase awareness of the health impacts of climate change
4.2 Strengthen response to public health threats and emergencies for vulnerable communities
4.3 Support healthy and sustainable homes, buildings and public spaces
5.1 Embed prevention in universal services to stop family violence
5.2 Build respect and inclusion for seniors to prevent elder abuse
5.3 Create gender equitable workplaces, services and programs
6.1 Create safe public spaces through Council policy, planning and design
6.2 Build partnerships that change cultures and reduce harm
6.3 Create smoke free communities