What are we proposing to do?

During our community and stakeholder engagement in 2022, we heard that building well planned and liveable environments for safety is a priority for our community. Our draft Safer Communities Strategy and Policy aim to address the key issues raised under this theme.

The following table shows:

  • The main safety concerns identified by the community, and what you told us we can do to improve safety under this priority.
  • Our strategies - which provide direction for how we will work, and outline the areas we will focus on over the next 10 years to improve community safety.
  • Some of the initiatives and actions - which have a narrower focus and describe what we will do to deliver our strategies.

We invite you to review the below, and then let us know in our survey if we have got it right, or if there is something missing.

More more detail, please review the full draft of the Safer Communities Strategy and Policy.

What we heard

What you told us we can do to improve safety

Our strategies

What we know works


How we will deliver this


A selection of what we will do
Improvements to the design, accessibility and maintenance of public spaces

Accessibility and connectivity through design principles - dementia safe cities; universal design

3.1 Create safe, vibrant and welcoming public spaces through inclusive placemaking

3.1a Ensure public spaces look and feel safe and welcoming for the whole community

3.1b Strengthen community connection with public places to increase feelings of belonging and safety.

3.1c Ensure Frankston City’s Centre and other activity centres are vibrant, activated and highly valued.

Explore the development of a CPTED Policy and implementation guidelines to embed crime prevention principles into Council-led projects and strengthen community safety outcomes for public spaces.

Implement the Frankston Local Shopping Strip Action Plan to ensure the urban design of our streetscapes are safe, accessible and welcoming.

Improved reporting processes for amenity issues

Improved lighting and CCTV
Personal safety in public places and spaces is the communities top safety concern

3.2 Ensure public spaces are well planned, maintained and managed to reduce risk and improve perceptions of safety3.2a Deliver high standards of cleanliness and maintenance of public places to enhance visual amenity and minimise hazards and risk of injury.

3.2b Deliver a well maintained CCTV network.

3.2c Deliver education and awareness raising of how the community can maintain safe and attractive public spaces

3.2d Provide well planned and maintained community infrastructure that is safe, inclusive and accessible.

Implement the Lighting Frankston Plan to guide the delivery of an effective public lighting program and support Frankston City to be a vibrant and safe evening and after-dark destination.

Ensure responsive maintenance of public spaces so they continue to be safe, achieve safety standards and address any safety concerns.

Explore innovative initiatives that help to activate Frankston’s city centre after dark
Road safety is a high priority for older people3.3 Improve the safety and accessibility of public transport and roads for all users, including pedestrians and cyclists3.3a Develop policies and plans that improve the safety of roads and shared pathways for all users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

3.3b Deliver education and awareness raising campaigns that promote road safety

Develop and commence implementation of the Road Safety Strategy to improve safety and eliminate fatalities and lifelong injuries on Council roads.
3.4 Promote safe and inclusive online environments and digital security3.4a Drive continuous improvement of Council’s digital platforms to ensure a safe and enjoyable online customer experience

3.4b Ensure Council’s social media spaces are safe and enjoyable for the community to engage in.

3.4c Promote and support education, awareness raising and activities to improve online safety and digital security within the community.

Share your feedback

Complete our survey now to let us know your feedback on our draft Strategy and Policy.