About Baxter Park

Baxter Park is a significant feature and open space in Frankston South, situated on 59 hectares of Crown land, it is managed by Frankston City Council under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.

Baxter Park is a District Level Reserve, providing a range of formal and informal recreation opportunities including a series of walking tracks in a natural reserve, quality remnant vegetation (regional significance), native fauna, play fields for Junior and senior soccer, AFL, tennis courts, cricket ovals, netball courts, archery, equestrian facilities, public toilets, playground and a dog free roam area.

What are we doing?

We’ve developed a Master Plan to guide the way Council manages Baxter Park over the next 20 years as a great place, accessible for all to meet, enjoy nature, exercise and ride. The previous master plan was developed in 2004 and needs renewal to meet community expectations and address a number of competing needs including sporting, environment, water/drainage, equestrian, play, paths and access.

The purpose of the Master Plan is to guide future investment over time. This is done so that Council can stage works, budget accordingly and apply for grant funding as needed.

View the final Master Plan

View the final detailed designs

Thank you for your feedback

Key user groups including sporting clubs and community groups have been involved in the development of the Master Plan. Review the feedback we received on:

Thank you also to those who spoke with us at our community pop up:

  • Sunday 19th June, 10.30am - 12pm @ Baxter Park Reserve

Join us near the old cricket pavilion (oval 1) for a free coffee and chat.

Frankston-Flinders Road entrance.