Health, safety and wellbeing of the community is improved through the reduction of harms and opportunities for individuals and families to adopt healthy lifestyles

Council Plan priorities:
  • Active and healthy lifestyles that support residents living independently longer.
  • Long-term health and learning outcomes established in early childhood.
  • Reduction of harms from family violence gambling, alcohol and other drugs.
  • Value and support young people.
Four-year initiatives:
  • Early childhood education and health

    Engage families to promote the importance of early childhood education and health

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Deliver Maternal and Child Health and early childhood services and programs including immunisation and supported playgroups.
    2. Coordinate central registration for community kindergartens.
    3. Implement year 3 actions for Early Years Plan.
  • Encourage active and healthy lifestyles for people

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Improve amenity & perceptions of safety
    2. Promote & deliver all-ages diverse play & leisure opportunities
    3. Partner with health, education & community organisations to improve primary health & recreation participation
    4. Implement Health & Wellbeing Plan year 3 actions

  • Programs and support to reduce harms

    Advocate for programs and support to reduce harms from family violence, gambling, alcohol and other drugs

    What we will do in 2023-24:
    1. Develop the Family Violence Action Plan and implement year one actions
  • Emergency management

    Maintain systems and capacity to manage and respond to emergency events

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Monitor & mitigate key community emergency risks
    2. Maintain & test emergency management plans to identify & mitigate capability/capacity gaps
    3. Leverage partnerships with key agencies & community groups to improve response and recovery planning.
  • ​Engage young people to support education

    Engage young people to support their educational outcomes

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Partner with Department of Education & Training on Frankston North Strategic Education Plan
    2. Deliver Youth Services outreach, in-reach & engagement programs
    3. Enable young people to have a voice through Youth Council and youth events
    4. Deliver Work Ready Program
    5. Grants to support participation in formal education & recreational programs
    6. Implement year two actions for Council's Youth Action Plan