Enhanced liveability through access to, and revitalisation of, Frankston City’s places and spaces

Council Plan priorities:

  • Urban design renewal of places and spaces
  • Connected, accessible, smart and safe travel options
  • Frankston City’s identity as a liveable city

Four-year initiatives:

  • Integrate land use planning & revitalise the City

    Integrate land use planning and revitalise and protect the identity and character of the City

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Deliver revitalisation activities in the Frankston City Centre
    2. Develop Housing Strategy and commence year 1 implementation
    3. Develop Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre (FMAC) Structure Plan and commence year 1 implementation
    4. Trial integration of Vic3D platform into planning process.
  • Improve connectivity, movement & transport choices

    Improve connectivity and movement, and provide transport choices to the community, including walking trails and bike paths

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Implement year 1 actions for Council's Integrated Transport Strategy including review of Bicycle Strategy, to improve transport choices, encouraging safe and accessible active transport and public transport.
  • Open spaces and infrastructure

    Provide well designed, fit for purpose, multi-use open spaces and infrastructure for the community to connect, engage and participate

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Deliver Open Space Strategy through open space and play spaces development & renewals
    2. Deliver annual capital works program
    3. Develop Public Toilet Action Plan and implement year 1 actions
    4. Review maintenance and asset renewal programs to enhance safety and presentation.
  • Smart technology to increase liveability

    Innovate with smart technology and initiatives to increase the liveability of the city

    What we will do in 2023-24:

    1. Capture real time data to gather insights into liveability
    2. Analyse Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre (FMAC) smart parking trial to identify benefits for further implementation of smart parking technology
    3. Increase collection of various Smart Cities data sets to create insightful reports to help facilitate data-driven decision making for Council