
Frankston City Council’s Annual Budget 2023–2024 has been adopted

24 May 2023

Frankston City Council’s annual budget 2023–2024 has been adopted following community consultation and public submissions. It is our most collaborative and community-driven budget in Council's history.

The 2023-2024 budget continues to provide essential services like roads, drainage and waste while also investing in new initiatives to help shape the future of Frankston City.

When we asked residents where council should focus its efforts in the year ahead, assisting our most vulnerable, getting back to nature, community welfare, and managing our waste were key areas, and significantly informed Council’s expenditure.

On assisting the vulnerable, we’re developing the Family Violence Action Plan, providing financial support for material aid through emergency relief organisations and delivering Home and Community Care (HACC) and Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) in home services to older residents to enable them to live safely and independently.

Our precious environment continues to be a significant focus as we implement Council’s Urban Forest Action Plan, which includes planting 20,000 additional trees as part of the annual municipal wide planting program. Actions for Council's Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan will be implemented, including the delivery of the Regional Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Roadmap.

Community welfare is a significant focus as we promote and deliver more diverse play and leisure opportunities for residents of all ages, as well as partnering with health, education and community organisations to enhance opportunities for improved primary health and participation in recreation.

Public consultation on the draft budget took place from February to May 2023 online and in-person including a series of community consultations held in the City’s Community Centres. An engagement report will also be published shortly.

The endorsed budget titled ‘Frankston City Council 2021-2025 Council Plan Year 3 Initiatives and 2023-2027 Budget’ can be found in the Document Library on the main page. A 1-page Community Engagement summary and long form report are also available on the main page.