
Council decision - 12 December 2022

20 December 2022

On 12 December 2022, Council considered the details of the South East Metropolitan Advanced Waste Processing Project, including the (confidential) location and tender information.

Council then resolved to commit to enter into a Contract with a successful tenderer for the South East Metropolitan Advanced Waste Processing Pty Ltd, subject to the following conditions:

  1. the project being located at the agreed Site, but that site being located outside the Frankston municipality;
  2. the waste supply deed issued for tender; and
  3. the gate fee being within an agreed limit for the South East Metropolitan Advanced Waste Processing Project.

Council made this resolution noting:

  1. A letter had been sent by the State Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP in response to Council’s request for the Victorian Government to provide a financial commitment and underwriting of the project in order to mitigate exposure to ongoing risks over the 25 year life of the contract;
  2. The community engagement report to establish whether there was support for a future commitment to a project based on waste to energy technologies was presented to the Council meeting on 15 August 2022;
  3. The Alternative Waste Processing Options and Risks Report November 2022, which recommends that Council commit to the project.

The full Council decision can be reviewed in the published Minutes of Council Meeting available on Council's website here (see page 26).

Thank you again to all MFC members who participated in our Community Panel and Poll for this project, your input was greatly valued by Council and influenced its decision.