
Council delivers a wide range of services, programs and infrastructure to strengthen the local economy, encourage a skilled and educated population and grow local job opportunities, including:

  • Economic development

    Fostering the development of a sustainable and prosperous local economy.

    Service Areas

    • Business and industry development
    • Future investment
    • City positioning
    • Placemaking

    Net 2022–2023 Budget

    $2.711M Operating

    Additional $345K

  • Arts and culture

    Building Frankston’s cultural landscape by supporting the production and delivery of arts programs, events and library facilities providing opportunities to create, learn and connect.

    Service Areas

    • Arts and events
    • Multi use venues and facilities
    • Library collection

    Net 2022–2023 Budget

    $0.867M Operating

    Additional: Nil

    $1.851M Capital works

  • City planning

    Building, maintaining and improving a liveable city in line with the Frankston City Planning Scheme.

    Service Areas

    • Urban design
    • Strategic land use planning
    • Planning compliance
    • Planning permit and applications

    Net 2022–2023 Budget

    $0.316M Operating

    Additional: Nil

    $7.316M Capital works