Early years services in Frankston South

View information about current kindergartens in Frankston South, including registrations and timetables.

Frankston South is a medium priority area.

There are five long day care centres in the area and there is a high Socio-Economic Indexes For Areas (SEIFA) percentile at 85%, meaning only 15% of the population have a higher advantage. Parts of the area are listed as rural, and a high proportion is in a fire management zone.

Baden Powell Kindergarten is being extended from a single to three room centre, opening in 2025. Demographic data indicates that this extension will provide adequate rooms for the immediate to medium term.

Kindergarten Service Needs for Frankston South

Below are the kindergartens identified in the Kindergarten Partnership Strategy and what is proposed for each. Planning for expansions will be integrated into Council’s Long Term Infrastructure Plan and will be subject to planning, feasibility, community engagement and confirmed funding. 'Follow' this page to receive email updates about plans for these Centres.
  • Paratea Kindergarten

    Retain and Review Paratea Kindergarten

    A review of this kinder will aim to identify strengths, barriers, opportunities and threats to inform decision-making regarding potential upgrades, renovations, or future use of the facility and the impact these decisions will have.

    Paratea is a single room centre in a high value flora and fauna reserve and there is no capacity to expand. This is the only community kindergarten in the southeast quadrant of Frankston South.

  • Delacombe Kindergarten

    Retain Delacombe Kindergarten

    This kindergarten can continue operating in its current form. The existing structure, curriculum and educational approach, including offering increased program hours can be maintained. No re-development is required.