Early years services in Langwarrin

View information about current kindergartens in Langwarrin including registrations and timetables.

A funding partnership is required for two additional kinder rooms to meet future needs in Langwarrin.

Langwarrin is a medium priority area.

While Langwarrin has been identified as one of the top three areas of need, the current KISP data does not include the new 99 place Langwarrin Early Years and Community Centre development due for completion in 2026.

Langwarrin is an established suburb currently experiencing growth through subdivision. There is a mix of residential and commercial property. Open space is a premium in the area with little available for development.

There are 13 long day care centres offering kindergarten programs in the area. Whilst the demographic data indicates there are insufficient kindergarten places, the 2024 enrolment data does not support this with most centres having vacancies.

The planned development of the Langwarrin Early Years and Community Centre with a new three-room kindergarten will have an impact on other centres in proximity and increase capacity in the local area. This development, along with existing centres, will provide sufficient places pending the implementation of the Pre-Prep program in 2034. A review of the remaining three single room kindergartens and potential plans for the area should be undertaken from 2027.

Proposed Kindergarten Upgrades for Langwarrin

Below are the kindergartens or local areas that have been identified for a new build or expansion. Planning for these expansions will be integrated into Council’s Long Term Infrastructure Plan and will be subject to planning, feasibility, community engagement and confirmed funding. 'Follow' this page to receive email updates about plans for these Centres.
  • Wonnai Kindergarten, Langwarrin

    Review and Expand Wonnai Kindergarten

    There is capacity within the existing site to increase the number of rooms. This will facilitate longer program hours and additional kindergarten places.

    Note: planning and feasibility must be carried out on each site. Projects proceeding are subject to any required grant funding allocation, community engagement, demographic data and endorsement by Council.

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  • Bayport Kindergarten

    Review and Expand Bayport Kindergarten

    Bayport is a single room kindergarten that can readily be extended. It can continue operating as it is in the short term and will need to be reviewed once the impact of earlier developments is understood.

    Note: planning and feasibility must be carried out on each site. Projects proceeding are subject to any required grant funding allocation, community engagement, demographic data and endorsement by Council.

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