Council is currently developing plans and strategies to support a sense of belonging for our diverse community. These plans will integrate priorities and actions for focus areas such as disability, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTQIA+, and positive ageing.
This engagement project asked how Council can remove barriers and improve social inclusion to make our community as accessible and welcoming as it can be.
Our Community Engagement Principles
The We Are Better Together engagement sought to test actions Council is considering including in strategic plans being developed in 2024-2026.
Participants were asked to consider lists of actions intended to support diversity and inclusion across several target communities and select the ones they felt would be most effective. Participants also had an opportunity to suggest actions not already listed.
These activities were chosen to provide Council with:
- Clear community preferences for actions to include in the resulting plans
- Ideas for other actions to support diversity and inclusion in the community.
Informed Participation
The engagement survey provided information about current and potential Council actions to support inclusion. This meant participants were given relevant information to inform each section of the survey as they worked their way through. Participants who wanted to focus on a particular topic could bypass other sections.
Promoting the Engagement Opportunity
We engaged with the community from 18 July to 16 September. This allowed time for the engagement to be promoted through Council's networks, and for the community to be reminded of the engagement opportunity on more than one occasion.
The engagement opportunity was promoted through a sponsored social media post to reach people who do not follow Council's accounts, Frankston city e-news, and Frankston City News which is delivered to over 60,000 homes.
The project was also shared through Council's Disability Action and Inclusion Committe, Social Inclusion Action Group, Age Friendly Ambassadors, Nairm Marr Djambana and CALD Network. We also held a pop-up engagement event at Wells Street Plaza.
The We Are Better Together engagement reached a representative sample of the Frankston City community. This included sampling a range of views about the value of feeling a sense of belonging, and hearing from those who did and did not identify with any of our target groups for this engagement.
Results from the engagement survey are shown below.
How important is it to feel like you belong in your community?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Not important | 3.18% | 7 |
Somewhat important | 18.18% | 40 |
Very important | 78.64% | 173 |
Total | 100.00% | 220 |
Where do you live?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Carrum Downs | 8.59% | 22 |
Frankston | 33.98% | 87 |
Frankston North | 3.52% | 9 |
Frankston South | 10.55% | 27 |
Langwarrin | 12.11% | 31 |
Langwarrin South | 0% | 0 |
Sandhurst | 0.39% | 1 |
Seaford | 6.64% | 17 |
Skye | 3.91% | 10 |
City of Kingston | 3.52% | 9 |
City of Greater Dandenong | 0.39% | 1 |
City of Casey | 3.13% | 8 |
Mornington Peninsula Shire | 10.55% | 27 |
Somewhere else | 1.56% | 4 |
Prefer not to answer | 1.17% | 3 |
Total | 100.00% | 256 |
What is your age?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
0 – 4 years | 0% | 0 |
5 – 11 years | 0% | 0 |
12 – 17 years | 4.33% | 11 |
18 – 24 years | 6.69% | 17 |
25 – 34 years | 8.27% | 21 |
35 – 49 years | 18.11% | 46 |
50 – 59 years | 16.14% | 41 |
60 – 69 years | 15.35% | 39 |
70 – 84 years | 23.62% | 60 |
85 years and over | 3.54% | 9 |
Prefer not to answer | 3.94% | 10 |
Total | 100.00% | 254 |
What best describes your gender?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Woman or female | 68.38% | 173 |
Man or male | 22.92% | 58 |
Non-binary or gender diverse | 4.74% | 12 |
Prefer not to answer | 3.95% | 10 |
Total | 100.00% | 253 |
Which of the following do you identify with?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander | 2.79% | 7 |
Part of the LGBTIQA community | 14.34% | 36 |
Speak a language other than English | 12.35% | 31 |
Person with a disability or long-term health condition | 29.88% | 75 |
None of these | 41.83% | 105 |
Prefer not to answer | 10.36% | 26 |
Total | 100.00% | 251 |
Supported Methods
A mixed method approach supported participation at any time or the day or night online, using a paper survey, as part of a facilitated group meeting or through an individual conversation. Online engagement activities could be translated into other languages, and the question about language diversity was presented in the most spoken languages in Frankston City.
A longer time frame for this engagement allowed participants to request individualised support to participate.
The initial planned engagement period was extended to allow for additional in-person engagement to support more people to participate.
Information was presented on the project page of Engage Frankston to explain that engagement feedback would inform early development of a number of Council's plans to support inclusion for identified communities such as:
- People with disability.
- Carers.
- LGBTIQA+ communities.
- Older people.
- Culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.
What best describes your interest in inclusion for people with disability and long-term health conditions?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
I have a disability or long-term health condition | 58.72% | 64 |
I care for someone with a disability or long term health condition | 25.69% | 28 |
I have friends or family with disability or long-term health condition | 36.70% | 40 |
I am interested in inclusion for everyone | 64.22% | 70 |
Total | 100.00% | 109 |
If you or the person you care for have a long-term health condition or disability, please select what kind/s if you are comfortable to do so.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Physical disability: Impacts mobility or dexterity | 66.23% | 51 |
Intellectual disability: Impacts ability to learn or process information | 23.38% | 18 |
Mental illness: Impacts thinking processes | 51.95% | 40 |
Sensory disability: Impacts the ability to hear or see | 22.08% | 17 |
Neurological disability: Impacts the brain and central nervous system | 38.96% | 30 |
Learning disability: Impacts acquisition, organisation, retention, and understanding of information | 27.27% | 21 |
Physical disfigurement: Impacts physical appearance | 9.09% | 7 |
Immunological disability: Impact due to the presence of organisms causing disease in the body | 11.69% | 9 |
Other long-term health condition | 40.26% | 31 |
Total | 100.00% | 77 |
What Council actions will create a welcome and inclusive community for people with disability or long-term health conditions?
The five most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Continue to improve accessibility of built environment | 50.00% | 54 |
Provide Visitor Accessibility Information available for event, venues and destinations | 35.19% | 38 |
Improve accessibility of beaches | 34.26% | 37 |
Improve accessibility of public toilets including Changing Places | 33.33% | 36 |
Introduce Sensory/Chill Out Rooms available in community spaces | 24.07% | 26 |
Provide Free/Low cost services and events | 48.15% | 52 |
Provide Disability awareness training for Council staff | 24.07% | 26 |
Provide Disability awareness training for community | 28.70% | 31 |
Continue to resource and seek advice from Disability Access and Inclusion Committee | 40.74% | 44 |
Disability Advocacy | 28.70% | 31 |
Develop partnerships to promote disability access and inclusion | 33.33% | 36 |
Participate in disability awareness campaigns and events | 22.22% | 24 |
Increase positive visibility of disability in Council publications | 24.07% | 26 |
Celebrate disability through performances, exhibitions and books. | 19.44% | 21 |
Total | 100.00% | 108 |
What other ideas do you have to make our community feel more welcoming and inclusive for people with disability and long-term health conditions?
Here are some responses from people who idented has having a disability or long-term health condition:
What best describes your interest in inclusion and support for Carers?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
I am a carer | 46.48% | 33 |
My family member or friend is a carer | 18.31% | 13 |
I am interested in inclusion for everyone | 56.34% | 40 |
Total | 100.00% | 71 |
What Council actions will create a welcome and inclusive community for people who provide unpaid or informal caring?
The three most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Provide free and low cost services, activities and events | 73.77% | 45 |
Carer Awareness Training for Council Staff | 26.23% | 16 |
Carer Awareness Training for Community | 39.34% | 24 |
Maintain and publish a list of carer supports in local area | 81.97% | 50 |
Carer Advocacy | 42.62% | 26 |
Develop partnerships to promote support for carers | 59.02% | 36 |
Recognise National Carers Week | 39.34% | 24 |
Promote carer stories through provision of performances, exhibitions and books. | 14.75% | 9 |
Total | 100.00% | 61 |
What other ideas do you have to make our community feel more welcoming and inclusive for people who provide unpaid and informal caring?
What best describes your interest in inclusion for LGBTIQA+ communities?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
I identify as LGBTIQA | 49.30% | 35 |
I care for someone who identifies as LGBTIQA | 4.23% | 3 |
I have friends or family who identify as LGBTIQA | 47.89% | 34 |
I am interested in inclusion for everyone | 66.20% | 47 |
Total | 100.00% | 71 |
What Council actions will create a welcome and inclusive community for LGBTIQA+ people?
The five most supported ideas are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Continue to co-facilitate Frankston City and Mornington Peninsula LGBTQIA Collaborative | 47.06% | 32 |
Continue to partner with Headspace to deliver Peninsula Pride youth programs. | 55.88% | 38 |
Participate in community awareness campaigns and events | 33.82% | 23 |
Provide Free/Low cost services and events | 30.88% | 21 |
Create visually welcoming and inclusive spaces | 54.41% | 37 |
Provide LGBTIQA awareness training for Council staff | 38.24% | 26 |
Provide LGBTIQA awareness training for community | 41.18% | 28 |
LGBTIQA Advocacy | 23.53% | 16 |
Continue working towards Victoria’s first whole-of-government LGBTIQA strategy: Pride in Our Future | 32.35% | 22 |
Increase positive visibility of LGBTIQA in Council publications | 45.59% | 31 |
Celebrate LGBTQIA through performances, exhibitions and books | 29.41% | 20 |
Total | 100.00% | 68 |
What other ideas do you have to make our community feel more welcoming and inclusive for local LGBTIQA+ people?
Older people
What best describes your interest in inclusion for older people?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
I am an older person | 62.12% | 82 |
I care for an older person | 18.94% | 25 |
My friend or family member is an older person | 25.76% | 34 |
I care about inclusion for everyone | 48.48% | 64 |
Total | 100.00% | 132 |
What Council actions will create a welcome and inclusive community for older people?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Provide engagement and consultation opportunities to enable older people to have a say on Council decisions on what is important to them | 44.35% | 55 |
Continue to deliver the expanded (month long) Seniors Festival offering accessible, inclusive and diverse events and activities for older adults living in Frankston City | 52.42% | 65 |
Maintain and promote a Community Services Directory for older residents, Not-for-Profits and service providers | 62.90% | 78 |
Deliver formal and informal intergenerational programs across Council to increase positive connection between the generations | 29.84% | 37 |
Explore demand for increased social connections for older members of LGBTIQ community | 16.13% | 20 |
Identify and promote new and existing volunteering opportunities for older adults within and external to Frankston City Council | 29.03% | 36 |
Build the capacity of local groups and organisations to engage and encourage participation of older adults in volunteering | 31.45% | 39 |
Leverage Seniors festival, U3A opportunities and Libraries engagement programs to: Offer community education sessions and enhance community programs | 38.71% | 48 |
Support local seniors clubs and groups to promote a welcoming environment which encourages a positive first experience for new and prospective members | 54.84% | 68 |
Ensure all (new and ageing) Council facilities are accessible | 59.68% | 74 |
Total | 100.00% | 124 |
What other ideas do you have to make our community feel more welcoming and inclusive for older people?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communitites
What best describes your interest in inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
I identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander | 8.51% | 4 |
I care for someone who identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander | 2.13% | 1 |
I have friends or family who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander | 38.30% | 18 |
I am interested in inclusion for everyone | 82.98% | 39 |
Total | 100.00% | 47 |
What actions will nurture strong, open, two-way relationships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community groups and organisations?
The most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Maintain an effective Reconciliation Action Plan Working group (RWG) | 46.51% | 20 |
Establish and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships with Traditional Custodians, Elders and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations | 74.42% | 32 |
Celebrate National Reconciliation Week (NRW). | 37.21% | 16 |
Provide opportunities for residents to strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and organisations | 74.42% | 32 |
Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of Reconciliation Action Plan commitments. | 39.53% | 17 |
Promote reconciliation and raise awareness of the Reconciliation Action Plan within the community | 51.16% | 22 |
Promote reconciliation and raise awareness of the Reconciliation Action Plan within Council | 18.60% | 8 |
Promote positive race relations through anti-discrimination strategies | 69.77% | 30 |
Total | 100.00% | 43 |
What actions will uphold the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to maintain, protect and develop their cultures and achieve equitable health outcomes?
The most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Provide cultural learning and development opportunities for Council staff and Councillors to increase knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights | 59.09% | 26 |
Promote respect and recognition for the Traditional Custodians of the land through acknowledgement on council signs and buildings | 52.27% | 23 |
Continue to fly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags | 81.82% | 36 |
Celebrate NAIDOC Week | 65.91% | 29 |
Publicly recognise Sorry Day and Mabo Day | 56.82% | 25 |
Promote respect and recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders through council publications | 52.27% | 23 |
Provide opportunities for the promotion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and culture | 59.09% | 26 |
Total | 100.00% | 44 |
What actions will support opportunities to network and partner with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?
The most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development | 70.00% | 28 |
Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes. | 57.50% | 23 |
Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to participate in governance | 80.00% | 32 |
Maintain an effective Reconciliation Action Plan Working group (RWG) to drive governance of the RAP. Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on the RWG | 60.00% | 24 |
Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments. Define resource needs for RAP implementation | 37.50% | 15 |
Reporting on Reconciliation Action Plan achievements, challenges and learnings both internally and externally. Complete and submit the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia. | 47.50% | 19 |
Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next Reconciliation Action Plan | 32.50% | 13 |
Total | 100.00% | 40 |
What other ideas do you have to make our community feel more welcoming and inclusive for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
What best describes your interest in inclusion for multicultural and language communities?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
I speak another language or use AUSLAN | 40.98% | 25 |
I have a connection to another culture, country or background | 42.62% | 26 |
I care for someone from a multicultural or language community | 9.84% | 6 |
I have friends or family from a multicultural or language community | 44.26% | 27 |
I am interested in inclusion for everyone | 67.21% | 41 |
Total | 100.00% | 61 |
What language or dialect do you speak?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Я говорю по-русски | 5.88% | 1 |
Μιλάω ελληνικά | 0% | 0 |
nagsasalita ako ng Filipino / tagalog | 0% | 0 |
io parlo italiano | 0% | 0 |
我说中文 | 17.65% | 3 |
I speak a First Nations language or dialect | 0% | 0 |
I use AUSLAN | 0% | 0 |
Other | 94.12% | 16 |
Total | 100.00% | 17 |
What current Council actions best support multicultural and language communities to feel welcome and included?
The most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Help leisure clubs to collect data around CALD resident participation in sport and recreation activity | 43.40% | 23 |
Celebrate cultural and language groups through public art | 43.40% | 23 |
Celebrate cultural events through library program | 64.15% | 34 |
Support CALD families access Early Years education. Ie. Kindergarten | 58.49% | 31 |
Celebrate Harmony Day each year | 45.28% | 24 |
Facilitate the CALD network | 45.28% | 24 |
Program culturally diverse shows via Frankston Arts Centre | 50.94% | 27 |
Provide customer service which uses straight forward language, explains issues clearly and helps you each step to resolve your request. | 69.81% | 37 |
Total | 100.00% | 53 |
What proposed Council actions would support multicultural and language communities to feel welcome and included?
The most supported options are shown in bold.
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
Embed Google Translate functions on the Council website | 43.10% | 25 |
Build a dedicated CALD information and engagement page on the Council website. | 39.66% | 23 |
Translate the New Resident Brochure into our most used languages | 32.76% | 19 |
Deliver events to promote inclusion, cultural national celebrations, and cultural expression. | 56.90% | 33 |
Cross-cultural learning opportunities at Council's community centres and neighbourhood houses | 53.45% | 31 |
Explore ways to support new residents to feel welcome and feel build connections in their local community | 56.90% | 33 |
Investigate the development of audio and video content in languages with lowest literacy | 34.48% | 20 |
Set population-based targets for when Council will consider translation into languages other than English. | 25.86% | 15 |
Provide in-language instructions on Council’s website for how to access translation and interpreter services. | 32.76% | 19 |
Provide in-language instructions on Council’s website on how to provide feedback to Council in any language. | 41.38% | 24 |
Total | 100.00% | 58 |