A vision for Seaford Industrial Precinct

Objectives for Seaford Industrial Precinct

P1.1 Facilitate Seaford's local service role

P1.2 Facilitate Seaford's physical and economic renewal

P1.3 Improve Seaford's urban amenity

P1.4 Improve Seaford's arrival experience

P1.5 Improve residential and industrial interfaces

P1.6 Facilitate the renewal of Kananook as a major sports and recreation destination

Actions for Seaford Industrial Precinct

Click on the dots for more information.

Engagement Survey

Engagement Results - Seaford precinct

Do you support the plan for Seaford Industrial Precinct?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
Support or mostly support90.91%10

Is there anything else we should consider for the Seaford Precinct?

Community comments:

  • Lighting.
  • Needs revitalising - lots of old factories. Would be good to have increased safety for people. Is a good location with main roads surrounding.
  • 5 pm dead. Nighttime economy. Lighting. Drag road. Break in weekends more. People here. Improve. Better access. Access to station. Night. Time not great. Public
  • Sort out the floodwaters that abuts Frankston freeway and starts at peninsula boulevard and follows behind factories towards city- make it into something interesting and useable - not just a place for people to go in and vandalise the back of factories with graffiti - maybe an overpass over the freeway- bike path?? . Stop people crossing highway and damaging fences.
  • 9 months. Lacking social spots. No where. Very industrial services. Needs to feel less industrial (Hartnet drive)
  • Actions need to be clearer & not motherhood statements.
  • Agrees with supporting increasing services to create a boulevard for pedestrians' options for social activities in the evening to support the other uses. Activities in the evening make the area safer and could encourage more innovative businesses.
  • Better to improve streets.
  • This plan is a huge disadvantage for the local lifestyle and community and will make our beautiful city less attractive for living.
  • Bit dodgy at nighttime - in the area p1-3a Is a good location for business.
  • Don’t really care - I just work here.

What is your connection to the Seaford Precinct?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
I live near this precinct.14.29%1
I work or operate a business in this precinct.57.14%4
I own property in this precinct.28.57%2
I am considering this precinct for future investment.0%0

Project Outcomes

Community and stakeholder engagement has informed these project outcomes:

  • Clearer interventions to boost transport & accessibility in all precincts. Specific changes are mentioned below.
  • Changes to the site coverage requirements in the Industrial Design Guidelines, to make it a bit more flexible for different size lots.
  • Adding an explanation that as per State Policy, land outside the Urban Growth Boundary is not going to be investigate for industrial land. However if there was to be an investigation at a State Government level, that Council may consider advocating for more industrial land.

Seaford Precinct:

  • No significant changes.

Seaford North Precinct:

  • Investigate a northbound connection to the Mornington Peninsula Freeway.

Carrum Downs Precinct:

  • Advocate for traffic management measures for Frankston Garden Drive & the intersection with Frankston Dandenong Road.

Langwarrin Precinct:

  • Removal of the action that specifically related to 350 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin (Log Cabins Accommodation).

Frankston East Precinct:

  • Removal of any narrative on the precinct transitioning mixed use or residential.

Frankston Precinct:

  • Future land use guidance.