Early years services in Seaford

View information about current kindergartens in Seaford including registrations and timetables.

A funding partnership is required for one additional kinder room to meet future needs in Seaford.

There are four long day care centres in Seaford.

Riviera Kindergarten opened as a three room, 99 licensed centre in 2024. Seaford Kindergarten will open as a two room, 66 licensed centre in 2026.

The remaining kindergartens in Seaford are Seaford Heights and Belvedere Park, both single room centres:

  • Belvedere Park has no capacity to expand on the existing site.
  • The Seaford Heights centre could be expanded to a two or three-room kindergarten which will support the implementation of the Pre-Prep program and will provide adequate capacity across the Seaford local area.

Planned Kindergarten Upgrades for Seaford

Below are the kindergartens or local areas that have been identified for a new build or expansion. Read more about what is planned for these Centres and provide your feedback.
  • Seaford Heights Kindergarten

    Review and Expand Seaford Heights Kindergarten

    A review of this kinder will aim to identify strengths, barriers, opportunities and threats to inform decision-making regarding potential upgrades, renovations, or future use of the facility and the impact these decisions will have.

    There is capacity within the existing site to increase the number of rooms thereby facilitating longer program hours and additional kindergarten places.

  • Belvedere Park Kindergarten

    Retain and Review Belvedere Park Kindergarten

    A review of this kinder will aim to identify strengths, barriers, opportunities and threats to inform decision-making regarding potential upgrades, renovations, or future use of the facility and the impact these decisions will have.