About the project

We’re upgrading Brunel Reserve in 2024 as part of Frankston City Council's Play Strategy 2021. Brunel Reserve is located at 2R Maple Street, Seaford.

The proposed upgrades to the playspace aim to provide a broader range of play types, improved access and inclusion, and better connect the play space to surrounding amenity.

Works are expected to begin in September 2024 and be completed by December 2024.

What upgrades are proposed?

The Play Strategy outlines a range of service levels for play spaces across the municipality which guide the features and facilities that can be included in each space. The proposed upgrades include:
  • Junior and toddler play unit
  • Senior play tower
  • Multiple swing sets
  • Basket swing
  • Refurbished tractor
  • Spinner
  • Junior rockers
  • Nature play
  • Seats
  • Bike hoops

We invite you to review our concept plan below, and to share your feedback via our short survey. We understand that the community highly values its play spaces, and we appreciate the time taken to share your thoughts with us!

Draft Concept Design

Engagement Survey

Engagement Results

How did we promote the engagement?

During the engagement period, we promoted this project to the local community. This included:

  • 300 postcards delivered to nearby homes.
  • Signage at Brunel Reserve directing people to Engage Frankston to provide feedback.
  • Email alerts sent to followers of Let's Play on Engage Frankston.

Engagement Results

A total of 66 respondents provided feedback on the draft concept plans.

The majority of the respondents lived nearby and had children of an age that would use the play space and would visit the reserve.

The results are presented below:

What is your interest in this project?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
I live nearby (within 400m of the playspace)84.85%56
Someone in my household is aged 0-454.55%36
Someone in my household is aged 5-1137.88%25
I visit the reserve to use other facilities (not the playspace)10.61%7
Someone in my household is aged 12-249.09%6
Someone in my household requires accessible play options3.03%2
None of these1.52%1

Do you like the look and feel of the proposed upgrades?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
Unsure / Mixed feelings19.70%13

What are your favourite features from the draft concept plan?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
Junior and toddler play unit54.55%36
Nature play
Senior play tower45.45%30
Multiple swing sets45.45%30
Refurbished tractor37.88%25
Basket swing33.33%22
Picnic tables28.79%19
Junior rockers18.18%12
Bike hoops10.61%7
None of these4.55%3

Community comments about the concept designs

Summary of community comments

Sixty four percent of respondents liked the look and feel of the playspace and welcomed the upgrade. There were a number of requests to include additional items to the playspace however, unfortunately some of the items are outside of what is identified in the Frankston City Council Play Strategy 2021 for local major parks. The following items were requested:

  • Shelter
  • Picnic tables
  • Basketball ring / court
  • Shade sails
  • Water Play
  • BBQ

A selection of comments are below:

  • Tables not on this plan. They are great as many young families picnic n play here.
  • The picnic table and bench seats has been removed!
  • Shade sails for adequate shade in an otherwise very open exposed area would make it more useable over summer (including seating under the shade).
  • A basketball ring or area for ball sports would be ideal.
  • A waterplay aspect would also be useful as this area services a lot of young families who aren’t easy walking distance to the beach.
  • Is it possible to add a BBQ?

Project Outcomes

How the engagement influenced the project:

Based on the Play Strategy and feedback received from the community, the following items have been added to the plan:

  • Picnic shelter
  • Two picnic tables and bench seats

Play Strategy 2021

  • Frankston City Council Play Strategy 2021 guides how play equipment and other facilities are planned across neighbourhoods. Councils Play Strategy (2021) identifies the levels of service and budgets for Local Parks which are designed for regular short term stay within walking distance for the local community. Features that support longer stay (BBQs, bins, water play, exercise equipment & car parking) are provided at larger (higher level) reserves that have greater budgets for implementation and all of the supporting amenity and operational budget to maintain them. Therefore these are not included in the design.

Next Steps

Construction is planned to start late in 2024.

Detailed construction information will be provided to the community before construction starts.