Help us shape our playspaces

Council currently manages 123 playspaces across the municipality with an ongoing program to upgrade playspaces in Local Parks. Local Parks are an important part of Frankston's open space network providing access to play and passive recreation within walking distance for everyone.

The priority of playspace upgrades are based on considerations including the age and condition of the existing play equipment and strategic considerations such as access to other play opportunities, demand and demographic data.

These upgrades will deliver ‘whole of park’ improvements to improve play value, access and inclusion, tree canopy, shade and amenity.

We are eager to collaborate with our community on this and together create great new playspaces.

Please see below details on the current and completed playspace projects below! Remember to 'follow' a project page to receive updates.

What is a local play space?

Local play spaces service a 400m walkable area for regular short term stays (up to one hour). They are typically located within a small local reserve. Local play spaces focus on pre-school and junior play activities, seating and shade. Local play spaces are serviced fortnightly and therefore can't include high maintenance features like toilets and barbeques.

These features are often considered for local (minor) and local (major) play spaces.

  • Features for younger children
  • Swings
  • Slides
  • Climbing frames / upper body
  • Rocking equipment
  • Balance activities
  • Opportunities for imaginative play
  • Open grassed space for running and ball games
  • Shade trees
  • Individual seating
  • Bike racks/hoops

The following items are occasionally considered for local (minor) and local (major) play spaces, where there is demonstrated local need.

  • Features for older children.
  • Features for young people.
  • Features for adults and older people.
  • Level change.
  • Sand play.
  • Natural play elements; rocks, logs etc.
  • Natural play elements; trees, shrubs, groundcovers etc.
  • Hand pump water play
  • Hard surfaces for scooters, bikes, basketball, netball etc.
  • Connection to trails/bike paths
  • Table tennis and/or similar equipment
  • Hit up / climbing walls.
  • Parkour / Agility courses.
  • Intergenerational features / equipment.
  • Shelter structures.
  • Social gathering spaces; seats and tables.
  • Drinking fountains.
  • Bins.
  • Co-located outdoor fitness equipment.
  • Wide sealed pathway access to play space from the street.
  • In ground, concrete edging.
  • Rubber surfacing to provide specific play activities.
  • Accessible furniture and accessible paths to them.
  • Fencing (as required).
  • Inclusive play equipment or activities.

The following features are only considered for Community, Regional and District level play spaces that are designed to draw larger numbers of people, for longer periods of time.

Local play spaces are serviced fortnightly and therefore can't include high maintenance features.

These features are not considered for local (minor) and local (major) play spaces.

  • Barbeques
  • Toilets
  • Skate facilities
  • Stand alone splash park or pad
  • Digital features (charging points etc.)
  • Designated (disabled) car parking
  • Circulation path / paths
  • Manipulative play activities
  • Integrated, sculptural play features
  • Bushland features for exploring
  • Digitally interactive play

Have your say

Follow this page to be notified when new local playspace engagements are open for your feedback.

Construction Pending

Completed Projects

Carrum Downs Playspace Projects

Frankston Playspace Projects

Frankston North Playspace Projects

Langwarrin Playspace Projects

Skye Playspace Projects

What else is planned?

What is planned in my neighbourhood?

High Level Municipal Recommendations

The following describes municipal or general actions proposed and supported within the Frankston Play Strategy’s 15-20 year program:

  • Prepare a 15-20 year capital works program for renewal, upgrade and consolidation of Council’s existing playspaces.
  • Review current funding levels for playspace renewal, upgrades, design and master planning inline with strategy recommendations. Where possible consolidate funding programs.
  • Review existing maintenance practices, service levels, capacity and budgets inline with proposed development standards, design guidelines and priority action plan.
  • Prepare a feasibility study for the introduction of Water Play to Council’s play network including; types, function and issues, costs, technical and maintenance requirements and potential locations for consideration.
  • Develop a policy for the long-term acquisition of open space for future playspace development in local areas without access to open space or play.
  • Seek additional external funding to support identified new projects.

Future Play Recommendations for Carrum Downs

  • Consolidate play spaces and return to open space or re-purpose use at Shearwater Reserve and Brolga Reserve.

Please Note: there are currently two playspaces in Brolga Reserve, the recommendation is to consolidate to one playspace.

  • Design and develop new play experiences to close current local walking gaps at Paddington Reserve, Lyrebird Community Centre and Laurel Crescent Reserve.
  • Multi-use Courts at Sandfield Reserve & Laurel Crescent Reserve.
  • Provide Shade at Carrum Downs Recreation Reserve, Banyan Reserve, Botany Park, Lyrebird Community Centre, Rotary Park, Sandfield Reserve, Tucker/Wattlewoods Reserve.
  • Water play at Carrum Downs Recreation Reserve and Rotary Park.
  • Fitness Equipment and Sandfield and Carrum Downs Recreation Reserve .
  • Retain or provide barrier fencing (with universal access) to site or part site at Banyan Reserve, Carrum Downs Recreation Reserve, Gamble Reserve and Sandfield Reserve.
  • High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces for improvement in Carrum Downs include Banyan Reserve, Brolga Reserve, Carrum Downs Recreation Reserve, Jacana Reserve, Paddington Reserve, Rotary Park & Sandfield Reserve.

Future Local Park Recommendations

Local Park High Priorities for Improvement (1-4 Years)

  • Carrum Bella Reserve
  • Paddington Reserve
  • Regency Reserve

Local Park Medium Priorities for Improvement (5-7 Years)

  • Banjo Rise Reserve
  • Clifton Grove Reserve
  • Herbert Reserve
  • Industry Reserve
  • Lyrebird Reserve (Botany Park)
  • Rundle Reserve

Local Park Low Priorities for Improvement (8-10 Years)

  • Balmain Reserve
  • Frankston Gardens Reserve
  • Goldfinch Reserve
  • Lakewood North Boulevard Reserve
  • Lakewood South Boulevard Reserve

Play Strategy Recommendations

  • Consolidate play spaces and return to open space or re-purpose use at Lipton Reserve and Victoria Park.
  • Design and develop new play experiences to address current local walking gaps at Balmerino Square, Clarendon Street (Medical Precinct), City Park, Gretana Reserve, Wallace Reserve, and additional nature play at George Pentland Botanical Gardens. There is an existing gap around Skye Road, McMahons Road, Beach Street and the Frankston Freeway. Council to consider short and long term options around future land acquisition.
  • Multi-use Courts at Jubilee Park, Ferndale Reserve, Lucerne Reserve, Montague Park, Whistlestop Reserve and Witternberg Reserve.
  • Provide shade at Bruce Park, Ballam Park East & West, Beaty Park, Frankston Waterfront, George Pentand Botanical Gardens, Joy Reserve, Jubilee Park, Montague Park, Orwil Reserve, Whistlestop Reserve, Wingham Park and Witternberg Reserve.
  • Water play at Ballam Park East (Junior), Frankston Waterfront, George Pentland Botanic Gardens, Jubilee Park, Whistlestop Reserve and Willow Reserve. Consider a civic water play feature at Long Island.
  • Fitness Equipment at Beauty Park and Peninsula Reserve.
  • Retain or provide barrier fencing to site or part site (with universal access) for higher level playspaces at Bruce Park, Frankston Waterfront, Kareela Reserve, Orwil Reserve and Montague Park.
  • High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces for improvement in Frankston include Ballam Park East (Junior), Balmerino Square, Medial Precinct/Clarendon, City Park, Ferndale Reserve, Franciscan Reserve, Kareela Reserve, Lucerne Reserve, Orwil Reserve, Montague Park, Willow Park, Witternberg Reserve, Wolsley Reserve.

Local Parks Strategy Recommendations

Please Note: Local Parks in Frankston will be assessed as part of the second phase of the Local Park Action Plan.

Play Strategy Recommendations

  • Consolidate the play equipment and return to open space at Adib Reserve.
  • Multi-use Courts at Eric Bell Reserve and Telopea Reserve.
  • Provide shade at Armata Reserve, Monterey Reserve and Telopea Reserve.
  • Water play at Telopea Reserve and Pines Aquatic Centre/Monterey Reserve.
  • Fitness Equipment at Monterey Reserve.
  • Provide barrier fencing (with universal access) to site or part site for higher level playspaces at Eric Bell Reserve and Monterey Reserve in conjunction with broader precinct planning.
  • High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces in Frankston North include Rosemary Reserve, Eric Bell Reserve & Monterey Reserve.

Local Parks Strategy Recommendations

Local Park High Priorities for Improvement (1-4 Years)

  • Nodding Reserve
  • Whitewood

Local Park Medium Priorities for Improvement (5-7 Years)

  • Silvertop Reserve

Play Strategy Recommendations

  • Consider consolidating the playspace at Kars Street Reserve.
  • Design and develop new play experiences to close current local walking gaps at Baden Powell Reserve & Derinya Reserve.
  • Multi-use Courts at Eliza Heights Reserve, Overport Park, Pratt Reserve, Woodside Reserve.
  • Provide shade at Baxter Park Reserve, Delecombe Reserve, Overport Park.
  • Water play at Baxter Park.
  • Fitness Equipment at Kars Street Reserve .
  • Retain or provide barrier fencing to site or part site (with universal access) for higher level playspaces at Baxter Park, Fleetwood Crescent Reserve, Manor Reserve, Overport Park and Pratt Reserve.
High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces in Frankston South include Eliza Heights Reserve, Baden Powell Reserve, Baxter Park, Delacombe Park, Derinya Reserve, Overport Park & William Hovell Reserve.

Play Strategy Recommendations

  • Design and develop new play experiences to address current local walking gaps at Eric Court Reserve, undertake broader master planning to investigate new playspaces at North Road Reserve and Lloyd Park.
  • Multi-use Courts at Dunn Reserve, Lloyd Park & Yarralumla Reserve.
  • Provide shade at Dunn Reserve, Granite Reserve, Lloyd Park-Pindara, Southgateway Reserve & Yarralumla Reserve.
  • Water play at Lloyd Park & Southgateway Reserve.
  • Fitness Equipment at Lloyd Park.
  • Consider a fenced playspace as part of a broader precinct plan for Lloyd Park.
  • High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces in Langwarrin include Athol Reserve, Burgess Reserve, Cavill Reserve, Eric Court Reserve, Granite Reserve Local Major, Lloyd Park/ Pindara Precinct Community, Myrtle Reserve & Yarralumla Reserve.

Local Park Strategy Recommendations

Local Park High Priorities for Improvement (1-4 Years)

  • Govan Reserve
  • Korina Link
  • Noel Reserve
  • Pobblebonk Wetlands Reserve

Local Park Medium Priorities for Improvement (5-7 Years)

  • Malcolm Reserve
  • Maple Reserve

Local Park Low Priorities for Improvement (8-10 Years)

  • Cotoneaster Reserve
  • Gumnut Reserve
  • Melaleuca Reserve
  • Park Valley Reserve
  • Stevens Reserve

Seaford Play Strategy Recommendations

  • Consolidate play spaces and return to open space or re-purpose use at Park Reserve, McCrae Reserve & Centenary Playspace.
  • Design and develop new play experiences to help address existing local walking gaps and improve play provision at Brunel Road (Peninsula Link), Seaford Library and Community Centre and Kananook Tennis Club.
  • Develop a broader precinct plan to investigate play and other recreation opportunities as a broader precinct plan for Austin Reserve, Belvedere Reserve & Centenary Playspace.
  • Multi-use Courts at Seaford North Reserve, Belvedere Precinct & Bruce Aitken Reserve
  • Provide shade at RF Miles Reserve, Weather, Weatherstone Reserve, Seaford North Reserve, Kananook Reserve, Belvedere Reserve, Keast Park, Seaford Library & Community Centre.
  • Water play at Keast Park & Seaford Library and Community Centre
  • Fitness Equipment Seaford North Reserve
  • Retain or provide barrier fencing at Bruce Aitken Reserve, Kananook Reserve, RF Miles Reserve, Seaford North Reserve & Wisewold Reserve
  • High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces in Seaford include Armstrong Reserve, Centenary Playspace (Belvedere Bushland Reserve), Lorna Reserve, Kananook Tennis Club, Pimpala Reserve, Prince Reserve & Seaford Library & Community Centre
Please Note: Local Parks without play in Seaford will be assessed as part of the second phase of the Local

Play Strategy Recommendations

Please Note: Playspaces and Local Parks in Sandhurst are privately managed and have not been included in this Strategy.

  • Design and develop new play experiences to address current local walking gaps at Lisa Beth Mews and Skye Recreation Reserve.
  • Multi-use Courts at Lisa Beth Mews Reserve.
  • New Shade at Heysen Reserve, Lisa Beth Mews, Skye Valley Park.
  • Playgrounds in Skye are located away from major roads or water bodies. Suggest no need to fence playspaces in Skye.
  • High Priority (1-7 years) playspaces in Skye include John Monash Reserve, Lisa Beth Mews, Heritage Reserve, Heysen Reserve & Lady Emily Reserve.

Frankston City Council Play Strategy

The Play Strategy guides Council to deliver a variety of play experiences across our suburbs. View the full strategy and the community engagement report below.