About the project

We’re upgrading Heysen Reserve in 2024 as part of Frankston City Council's Play Strategy 2021. Heysen Reserve play space is nestled within the reserve in Heysen Drive, Skye.

Construction works are expected to begin in September 2024 and will take 3-4 months to complete.

What upgrades are proposed?

The Play Strategy outlines a range of service levels for play spaces across the municipality which guide the features and facilities that can be included in each space. The proposed upgrades include (but are not limited to):
  • Double and basket swing
  • Shade sails
  • Flower talk tubes
  • Bounce mat
  • All-access carousel
  • Senior and junior combination unit
  • Nature play elements
  • Accessible bench seats
  • Landscaping

Thank you for providing your feedback on the draft concept designs. We understand that the community highly values its play spaces, and we appreciate the time taken to share your thoughts with us! Your feedback will help inform the final design.

Draft Concept Design

Engagement Survey

Engagement Results

How did we promote the engagement?

During the engagement period, we promoted this project to the local community. This included:

  • 120 postcards delivered to nearby homes.
  • Signage at Heysen Reserve directing people to Engage Frankston to provide feedback.
  • Email alerts sent to followers of Let's Play on Engage Frankston.

Engagement Results

A total of 42 people provided feedback on the draft concept plans. All 42 had a clear link to Heysen Reserve as a potential user of the play space or open space. Results are presented below.

What is your interest in this project?

Answer Choices Percent Count
I live nearby (within 400m of the playspace) 83.33% 35
Someone in my household is aged 0-4 30.95% 13
Someone in my household is aged 5-11 30.95% 13
Someone in my household is aged 12-24 26.19% 11
Someone in my household requires accessible play options 4.76% 2
I visit the reserve to use other facilities (not the playspace) 21.43% 9
None of these 0.00% 0
Total 100.00% 42

Do you like the look and feel of the proposed upgrades?

Answer Choices Percent Count
Yes 64.29% 27
No 4.76% 2
Neutral 30.95% 13
Total 100.00% 42

What are your favourite features from the draft concept plan?

Answer Choices Percent Count
Shade Sails 78.57% 33
Bounce Matt 52.38% 22
Accessible Bench Seats 50.00% 21
Double and basket swing 47.62% 20
All-access carousel
45.24% 19
Nature Play Elements 40.48% 17
Senior & junior combination unit 35.71% 15
Landscaping 35.71% 15
Flower Talk Tubes 19.05% 8
Total 100.00% 42

Community comments about the concept designs

Summary of community comments

Most comments were positive and welcomed the upgrade. There were a number of requests to increase scope of the playspace beyond what is identified in the Frankston City Council Play Strategy 2021. Requests focused on the following ideas:

  • Equipment for ball sports (e.g. netball and basketball.)
  • Undercover picnic areas.
  • BBQ and bins (waste and for dog droppings).
  • Water Play.
  • Exercise Equipment.

A selection of comments is shared below:

  • "I think it needs a basketball or netball ring as right now with the old playground a lot of people just come for that including myself and my family I love the plan I just think this is a good idea maybe some bbqs aswell but definitely a basketball or netball ring."
  • We would love an adult sized special needs swing for our [age] daughter with Cerebral Palsy. [No.] people with special needs live in [street name]. Girls use the netball ring frequently, so this needs to be kept please. If parking was angle parking we could fit more cars in. An exercise path from Nicole Ct to Heysen St along housing fence would make for a better exercise circuit & wheelchair access.
  • "This reserve NEEDS bins and if possible an undercover table and seats for eating."
  • "Would be great to see a bbq."
  • "Our concerns are Heysen drive is already a busy main street in and out of Skye between Manchester Estate and Ballarto Road since Gamble road was closed. It is the only street that does not have speed humps or traffic islands in it and a real issue with speeding drivers. There is no parking on Heysen Drive Skye to the park. Being a narrow street, if cars park on the street it will cause major congestion in our street."
  • "Our playgrounds need more shade so hoping the shade sails will definitely go ahead. Loving the proposed layout...."

Project Outcomes

How the engagement influenced the project

Frankston City Council Play Strategy 2021 guides how play equipment and other facilities are planned across neighbourhoods. Based on the Play Strategy and feedback received from the community, the following change has been made to the concept plan:

  • Platform seating has been changed to picnic seating.

Play Strategy 2021

  • Local netball/basketball facilities are currently available locally at Lady Emily Reserve and Sandfield Reserve (Youth Space) and will be implemented as part of a future upgrade to nearby Heritage Reserve. Due to the existing and future provision they have not been included as part of this upgrade.
  • Councils Play Strategy (2021) identifies the levels of service and budgets for Local Parks which are designed for regular short term stay within walking distance for the local community. Features that support longer stay (BBQs, bins, water play, exercise equipment & car parking) are provided at larger (higher level) reserves that have greater budgets for implementation and all of the supporting amenity and operational budget to maintain them. Therefore these are not included in the design.
  • Heysen Reserve intends to service a 400m walkable area so changes to car parking are not included in the design.

Next Steps

Construction is planned to start in September 2024 and take approximately 12-weeks to complete.

Detailed construction information will be provided to the community before construction starts.