Why do we need to formally name this place?

Frankston City Council is a naming authority under the Naming rules for places in Victoria 2022 - Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities and is responsible for the naming and renaming of roads, features and localities within the municipality.

It is important for places to have a registered name to help ambulance, fire and police services reach the location quickly in an emergency. Frankston City Council encourages names that act as a reminder of local history, culture and citizens, whilst being mindful of needing to achieve a balanced representation of:

  • Indigenous Australia
  • Gender equality
  • Local historical events or figures
  • A multicultural present

About this proposal

Frankston City Council has been granted funding from State Government through the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) to undertake improvement works within and adjacent to the Seaford Wetlands.

The Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation project has a number of components that include:

  • installing a new viewing platform with additional seating, amenities and interpretive signage to replace the existing viewing platform at the southern lookout area;
  • new wayfinding and interpretative signage to accommodate a self-guided tour through the wetlands, which will include significant ecological and cultural information. All facilities upgrades will ensure the environmental significance and natural aesthetics of the Seaford Wetlands.
  • a walking and cycling bridge that has been constructed across the Kananook Creek Canal immediately north of the Wetlands.

Extensive consultation has been undertaken with the BLCAC as the project has progressed, in particular to develop a complex Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the wayfinding signage location and installation works, to incorporate Traditional Owners artwork into the interpretive signage designs, and to consider a Traditional Owner name for the viewing platform at the southern lookout of the Seaford Wetlands.

In June 2024, the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation met with Elders and knowledge holders for this purpose and recommended the viewing platform located within Seaford Wetlands to be named as “Gananyu Bulukul Viewing Platform”. Visit the Seaford Wetlands Viewing platform webpage for further information on the overall project

About the name "Gananyu Bulukul" (Gan-an-yoo Bool-ook-ool)

It was selected by Bunurong Land Council for this location because the name links to the wetlands, to the important Kananook creek, to women's places and to women's material culture, including the digging stick.

Suggest a new place name

Frankston City Council maintains register of names that may be considered for future use to name or rename roads, places or features.