How can you get involved in place naming?

Frankston City Council is a naming authority under the Naming rules for places in Victoria 2022 - Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities and is responsible for the naming and renaming of roads, features and localities within the municipality.

It is important for places to have a registered name to help ambulance, fire and police services reach the location quickly in an emergency. Council encourages names that act as a reminder of local history, culture and citizens, whilst being mindful of needing to achieve a balanced representation of:

  • Indigenous Australia
  • Gender equality
  • Local historical events or figures
  • A multicultural present

We involve our community in the naming process by inviting you to:

  • Share feedback on an active naming proposal

    You can share whether you support or object to any active 'place naming proposal' below, and share your reasons.

    Follow this project page for email notifications when a new place naming project opens for feedback.

  • Propose a name for the Place Naming Register

    You can request for a name to be added to the Place Naming Register at any time by completing the online form below.

    This register is a list of names that may be considered for future use to name or rename roads, features or locations.

Place naming proprosals

Share your feedback now on any 'active' proposals. You can also read about previous proposals, and how we engaged with the community.