
Council decision on proposed renaming

5 October 2023

In July-August 2023, Frankston City Council sought feedback from our community on the proposed renaming of a section of land in RF Miles Reserve, between Station Street and Seaford Road (limited to the walking path and gardens).

We welcomed feedback via:

  • Online survey
  • Community submissions.

The community were invited to respond on which name they preferred out of:

  1. Pallim Parn (Salt Water) Gardens.
  2. Yoke (Eel) Gardens.
  3. No change, retain the existing official name of RF Miles Reserve.

The community were also invited to share any comments or questions.

At Council’s public meeting on Monday 2 October, a report on the proposed renaming, including an Engagement Report, was presented for a decision. Council heard that out of 326 contributions to the survey:

  • 53% supported Pallim Parn (Salt Water) Gardens as the preferred name.
  • 26% preferred not changing the name from RF Miles.
  • 52% of comments received were negative, with several comments questioning why Council was doing this, the cost associated, and whether budget and resources could be focused elsewhere.

As a result, Council has decided to retain the existing name RF Miles Reserve for the entire reserve, including between Station Street and Seaford Rd, and not make any changes.

We thank all community members who participated in this engagement, and encourage you to continue to follow progress of the implementation of the Master Plan on the Kananook Gardens Vision here: