We want your feedback on our draft bike riding strategy.

Council has developed a draft Bike Riding Strategy to encourage more people to use a bike for short trips in their local area.

The draft Frankston City Bike Riding Strategy includes a list of projects to upgrade our bike riding connections in local neighbourhoods and improvements to make riding safer, easier, and more fun for everyone.

The strategy sets out projects and actions to support the goals of our Integrated Transport Strategy 2022-2042.

Stage One Engagement

In October and November 2023, you told us what you love about riding a bike in Frankston city, and what stops you from riding. We have used this feedback to create a draft Bike Riding strategy. The strategy includes many ideas and projects suggested by the community including:

  • Connected bike paths to popular destinations
  • Improved crossings and intersections
  • More bike parking, drinking fountains and signage.
  • Encouraging bike riding to school or work.

We want you to review the key actions and projects from the draft strategy and provide your feedback to help us refine the draft.

What is proposed in your area?

Explore the maps below, or download a copy, to see our existing and proposed bike connections.

Road map showing existing and proposed bike paths in Frankston City municipality

Frankston City Bike Network - Municipality-wide map (click on the individual maps 1-6 below to see more detail)