Stage 1 Engagement

Community engagement activities: 5 October to 22 November 2023

  • Mapping activity

    Add a marker to the map on this page. Show us where we can improve our bike riding network to encourage more people to choose a bike for short trips.

    Open until 5pm Wednesday 15 November
  • Talk to us in person

    Our project team will be popping up to have quick chats about the project.

    Jubilee Stadium: Saturday 7 October 9am to 1pm

    Corner of Towerhill Road and Foot Street: Tuesday 10 October 3pm to 4pm

    Athol Court Playground: Thursday 19 October 3pm to 4pm

    Frankston Foreshore Twilight Market: Friday 20 October 5pm to 7pm

    Outside Seaford Community Centre: Saturday 28 October 10am to 12pm

  • Ask us a question.

    Use the Ask a Question form on this page to contact the project team. Questions and answers may be published on this page or responded to privately. You will need to be logged into your Engage Frankston account to submit a question.

Community Engagement Survey

Engagement Results

What kind of bike rider are you?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
I don't ride a bike.18.27%78
Cautious - I ride rarely, if ever. I'm concerned about the safety of the bicycle paths available to me.8.43%36
Recreational - I ride for a bit of fun, usually on safe tracks (i.e. with family on outings)41.69%178
Exercise - I ride to get fit, or as part of an exercise routine (usually along dedicated cycling paths / lanes are in place).9.13%39
Travel - I ride to get where I need to go. (usually along dedicated roads / cycling paths / lanes are in place).16.63%71
Mindful / adventurer - I ride away from traffic / off the beaten track, often on unsealed paths.3.51%15
Expert / Athlete - I train for competitions or travel long distances as part of a cycling group. I usually ride on roads..2.34%10

What, if anything, stops you from riding a bike for short trips?

Example comments:

  • Not having dedicated bike lanes.
  • The trails just end or don't link up
  • Gravel and cracked paths
  • Safety concerns.
  • too scared to ride on the road.
  • Crossing major roads or having to turn right from major roads.
  • peak hour traffic, busy roads
  • Magpies
  • There is no secure parking spots for bikes
  • Weather.
  • Can’t afford a bike
  • I'm unfit.
  • Parents said no
  • Cars backing out of driveways
  • I usually have young children with me

What would encourage you to ride a bike for short trips?

Example comments:

  • More dedicated bike paths or even marked off bike paths on shared roads with cars.
  • Somewhere safe to leave my bike at the destination.
  • Riding with others.
  • School organising bike trips
  • Flatter, smoother paths
  • Shaded streets with trees
  • Separate bike paths to be away from traffic.
  • Access to an e-bike.
  • To be active. To have fun.
  • Education in where bike path are located
  • signage on shared paths (to identify it's a shared space).
  • fix missed connections
  • Maybe a map of bike friendly roads and pathways around the area.
  • Petrol prices
  • Quicker than walking. Shortcuts. Saves parents taking me places.
  • Wide footpaths.

What is your gender?

Answer ChoicesPercentCount
Woman or Female61.59%263
Man or Male36.77%157
Prefer not to say.0.70%3
Self described0.47%2