Engagement Overview
The second stage of engagement ran from 9 June 2023 to 30 June 2023
63 people participated via an online survey.
Participants were asked to review the concept designs and could then rate each design with 0 to 5 happy faces. Participants then had an opportunity to provide a comment to further explain their rating.
Youth Space Concept Plans
Youth Space | Draft Concept Plans
The Concept Plan for the Youth Space provides: • New shelters • New skate opportunities • Vaults bars • Upgraded Multi Use Court for Ball sports. Click on the hot spots to find out more about what is included.

Play Space Concept Plans
Play Space | Draft Concept Plans
The Concept Plan for the playspace provides: • New climbing tower • Nature play • Swings • Fenced playspace. Click on the hot spots to find our more about what's included.

Engagement Survey
Engagement Results
How happy are you with the youth space design?
🙂 | 🙂🙂 | 🙂🙂🙂 | 🙂🙂🙂🙂 | 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 | Count | Weighted Average |
10.91% 6 | 5.45% 3 | 10.91% 6 | 34.55% 19 | 38.18% 21 | 55 | 3.84 |
How happy are you with the play space design?
🙂 | 🙂🙂 | 🙂🙂🙂 | 🙂🙂🙂🙂 | 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 | Count | Weighted Average |
7.69% 4 | 3.85% 2 | 7.69% 4 | 30.77% 16 | 50.00% 26 | 52 | 4.12 |
Tell us what you think about the draft concept designs.
A selection of comments from people who liked the concept designs:
- Looks great and like it will appeal to a big range of ages.
- It all looks amazing. Just missing toilets by the looks of it. Otherwise perfect.
- Come here with the dogs, off leash for dogs is important, looks good.
- I don't have young children any more, but I live locally and frequently visit this reserve. I LOVE how the design elements encourage play and interaction between spaces. Visually appealing and has a real 'wow' factor.
- Need to have 2 hoops for the basketball court.
- I think its lovely and will be a welcome addition. I would also advocate for more nature based play activity. Not only is it cheaper to install and beneficial for children, it helps support biodiversity and wildlife . I has proven to make children resilient through play as they use their imagination and resort to opportunities that are less structured.
- It looks great. Needs to be inclusive for all ages.
A selection of comments from people who did not like the concept designs:
- I appreciate the proposed youth space design however, I believe it lacks new amenities for the existing space.
- Existing court issues:
Only 1 basketball hoop.
Ground descending behind the hoop.
Both these issues are still there on the new plan. - Not enough shade and lighting.
- A lot of people ride mountain bikes and bmx’s here and I personally think we need some dirt jumps that we can do, so that skateboarders, scooters rollerblades what not can use skatepark and won’t have to worry about bikes plowing them over.
- More trees for shade. There can be way more planted or natives plants added. Games for older people/parents to play while the kids Re skating. Would be good to have chess boards or hopscotch. The yellow wall is pointless. Make it into either something they can climb or play with than randomly placed to break a section up. Looks atrocious.
What is your age group?
Answer Choices | Percent | Count |
0 to 11 years | 26.98% | 17 |
12 to 17 years | 7.94% | 5 |
18 to 25 years | 6.35% | 4 |
26 years or older | 52.38% | 33 |
Prefer not to say | 6.35% | 4 |
Total | 100.00% | 63 |