Project update

Community Consultation - June 2022

Since January 2022, Council have been working closely with SALT, the Resident Traffic Committee, local schools, and the community to develop a draft LATM Plan for the study area. The information collected through a variety of community engagement activities, as well as an extensive data collection program, were utilised to develop the Draft Traffic Management Plan and identify key traffic issues and potential solutions.

The objectives of the proposed plan are as follows:

  • Speed calming on local streets that have environments that are conducive to high speeds;
  • Increase and improve pedestrian and cycling facilities to improve levels of accessibility for active road users;
  • Address issues regarding parking and access issues;
  • Maximise the benefits of available funding, with priority given to locations with higher demand and higher level of community concerns; and
  • Maintain adequate levels of accessibility for local residents, public transport, businesses and emergency services

Have your say

Community participation is essential to help finalise the recommended LATM plan. All community members are strongly encouraged to get involved in one of the following ways:

There are several ways you can provide feedback, by 15 July 2022:

Engineering Services

PO Box 490,

Frankston VIC 3199.

  • Attend a Community Drop-in Sessions:

Date: Saturday 9 July 2022

Time: 9.30am – 11.30am

Location: Austin Road shopping strip (near 150 Austin Road, Seaford)

At the drop-in sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the draft LATM Plan and provide further input into the draft plan.

Previous Consultations

To improve traffic management and road safety, we've undertaken a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study in the Belvedere Precinct of Seaford. The traffic study looked at the area bound by Maple Street to the north, Peninsula Link and Frankston-Dandenong Road to the east, Seaford Road to the south and Brunel Road to the west.

Between January - April 2022, we've consulted with our community to gather their feedback, which we have then incorporated in a Draft Traffic Management Plan.

The studies key objective were to minimise the effect of traffic in the local streets while improving the pedestrian and bicycle facilities and local street amenity. The key benefits of the studies are to:

  • Discourage through-traffic from using local streets
  • Improve the safety of local streets for all road users (including cyclists and pedestrians) by reducing traffic speeds
  • Reduce the incidence and potential for crashes within the study area
  • Address the traffic concerns of the community while maintaining good levels of accessibility for local residents, service vehicles, local businesses and emergency services.

Traffic calming treatments that could be used include roundabouts, speed humps, speed cushions, raised platform intersections, kerb extensions, central islands linemarking and bike lanes.

Where is the Belvedere LATM Precinct?

The traffic study will look at the area bound by Maple Street to the north, Peninsula Link and Frankston-Dandenong Road to the east, Seaford Road to the south and Brunel Road to the west.

Belvedere Precinct LATM Study Map