A new name for a new era
Built in 1971, the Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre’s purpose and programming has changed over the last 50+ years.
Over that time, the focus of programming has shifted from leisure and recreation to a more standardised community centre model. This change was driven by feedback received from the community in 2011 and 2023.
As the centre enters a new era, we need to register a formal name to go along with it and we want your feedback.
Did you know you can propose names for other places?
Suggest a new place name
Frankston City Council maintains register of names that may be considered for future use to name or rename roads, places or features.
Why do we need to register a formal name?
Frankston City Council is a naming authority under the Naming rules for places in Victoria 2022 - Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities and is responsible for the naming and renaming of roads, features and localities within the municipality.
It is important for places to have a registered name to help ambulance, fire and police services reach the location quickly in an emergency. Frankston City Council encourages names that act as a reminder of local history, culture and citizens, whilst being mindful of needing to achieve a balanced representation of:
- Indigenous Australia
- Gender equality
- Local historical events or figures
- A multicultural present
About the Centre
The Council-owned and operated facility at 55 Towerhill Road, currently known as Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre, was originally built in 1971 as a Frankston Police and Citizens youth facility.
The centre then became a leisure centre with Council taking over management and contracting the YMCA to run the facility. Council later resumed direct management, gradually expanding services to include community-focused programs similar to those in neighbourhood houses and community centres.
This shift was accelerated after two significant community engagement projects in 2011 and 2023, where residents expressed strong support for a full community centre model at the site.
Visit the Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre webpage for further information about current activities at the Centre.
How has our community helped shape the Centre?
Community engagement has been an essential part of the revitalisation of Frankston South Community Centre.