Why plan for local parks?

Local parks are small-scale open spaces that provide a safe and welcoming space for our community to get outdoors, exercise and experience nature close to home. Our Local Park Action Plan, adopted in 2021 recognises the value of our local parks and their vital role in delivering environmental benefits and community wellbeing.

Council is focusing on planting new trees and plants and improving paths, seating and general amenity of our local parks. We will transform local-level parks into highly valued, well-resourced, thriving green spaces that live up to their full potential and contribute to the neighbourhood.

Building further on the Frankston Open Space Strategy 2016-2021, Council is focusing on developing a series of comprehensive plans and strategies to guide and enrich the ongoing evolution of our public spaces and places.

Priorities for local parks with playgrounds are identified in Council's adopted Play Strategy 2021 and are outlined on our Let's Play page.

Local Park Projects

What is Council Doing?

  • Upgrading 28 local parks

    Council will improve the amenity and environment of existing local parks that do not contain playspaces. The upgrade of local parks with playspaces is being delivered in the Play Strategy.

  • Improving integration, inclusivity & accessibility

    Council will consistently plan and meet design standards to provide improved infrastructure, amenity and accessibility.

    This includes: tree planting, path improvements, shade, shelter, fencing, seating, and other park furniture.

  • Connecting communities better through local parks

    Council will continue to improve paths that connect to local parks to promote use of local active transport.

  • Improving ecology and biodiversity

    Council will plant native & indigenous garden beds to improve amenity and habitat values, as per Biodiversity Action Plan.

    Council will plant canopy trees as per Urban Forest Strategy targets for increased shade and habitat and to mitigate heat vulnerability.

Local Park Priorities

Local Park Action Plan Priorities

The Local Park Action Plan is a strategic implementation document for how Frankston City Council will work over the next decade to transform local-level parks into highly valued, well-resourced, thriving green spaces that realise their potential to contribute to the neighbourhood and broader Frankston City fabric. The following guiding priorities and associated key objectives have been developed as guidance:
  • Safe open spaces

    • To maintain amenities so that they comply with safety standards and are clean, attractive and welcoming.
    • To regularly audit and inspect existing trees and vegetation to ensure structural integrity is maintained, and excessive fuel loads do not build up.
    • To design local parks with a considered application of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.
  • Rich and Protected Natural Environment

    • Protect and enhance conservation areas.
    • Improve landscape amenity, resilience, shade cover and biodiversity
    • Use water-wise, hardy and diverse plants.
    • Design and manage local parks to limit impacts on the environment
    • Facilitate access to local parks by walking and cycling.
    • Consider the use of sustainable, robust and durable materials.
    • Plan and design parks in accordance with relevant Council policies, plans and guideline material.
    • Connect local parks with surrounding vegetation, parklands and waterways.
  • Inclusive spaces

    • Ensure fair and equitable access to a range of facilities that cater for all members of the community.
    • Consider design that encourages extended stay and facilitates group social gatherings.
    • Improve pedestrian access to local parks by providing sealed and connected pedestrian pathways.
    • Improve disability access requirements compliant with Australian Standards in the redevelopment or creation of new local parks.
    • Provide clear and concise wayfinding signage with legible, safe and accessible design.
  • Diverse Activities

    • To increase the diversity of experiences available at individual local parks across each neighbourhood.
    • To consider the integration of landscape features and park facilities during park planning and design.
    • To increase the diversity of experiences for all ages and abilities across all local parks.
    • To strengthen places of community, cultural and heritage value.
    • To create opportunities for informal recreation, play, exercise and socially inclusive activities for all members of the community.
  • Versatile Services, Facilities and Infrastructure

    • To provide a range of facilities that meet Council standards and that cater for the needs for an intergenerational community.
    • To create spaces that allow for inclusive social gathering and participation in varied recreation activities.
    • To support and consider multi-functional and adaptable open spaces that offer a range of user functions and experiences.
  • Desirable Open Space

    • To ensure local parks are well-maintained and managed.
    • To build upon local identity and unique physical characteristics.
    • To ensure site responsive design with functionality catering for a park’s intended purpose.
    • To ensure the quality and quantity of park amenities cater for multiple users and types of usage and activities.
    • To provide attractive and functional local parks that meet community needs and expectations.
    • To protect and enhance places of community, cultural and heritage value.
  • Community Awareness

    • To increase awareness, knowledge and care of the local, natural environment through park design, interpretative information, education programs and community partnerships.
    • To consult and inform the community during the planning process of local parks.
    • To advocate the health and wellbeing benefits of open space to the community.
    • To inform the community about the range of open spaces available to them and how to access them.
    • To promote local local parks as accessible and inclusive spaces for everyone.

Local Park Action Plan Community Engagement 2020

What we heard from the community

Consultation was undertaken with the Frankston community to better understand how they use, access and perceive the local parks in Carrum Downs, Frankston North and Langwarrin. The community were invited to complete an online survey or provide direct feedback to the project team in May and June 2020.

A total of 71 responses were received during the engagement period which offered a wealth of valuable insight and information. The feedback received has been considered and has been used to inform the development and recommendations of this Action Plan.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Initial Community Consultation

    We asked how you currently use and would like to use our play spaces and local parks.


  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Summary and Review of Community Engagement

    Based on the feedback received, we drafted the documents.


  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    ​Draft Play Strategy and Local Parks Action Plan

    Community check in - Let us know your thoughts about the draft Play Strategy and Local Park Action Plan.

    11 August to 14 September 2021

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Summary and Review of Feedback

    September 2021

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    ​Adoption of the Final Play Strategy and Local Park Action Plan

    October 2021